ESA Open Invitation to Tender AO10039
Open Date: 11/12/2019
Closing Date: 04/02/2020 13:00:00
Status: ISSUED
Reference Nr.: 19.155.09
Prog. Ref.: EO-Science for Socie
Budget Ref.: E/E105-E5 – EO-Science for Socie
Tender Type: C
Price Range: > 500 KEURO
Products: Satellites & Probes / Other
Technology Domains: Others
Establishment: ESRIN
Directorate: Directorate of EO Programmes
Department: Science, Applications & Climate Dep.
Division: Data Applications Division
Contract Officer: Boisard, Nathalie
Industrial Policy Measure: N/A – Not apply
Last Update Date: 11/12/2019
Update Reason: Tender issue
The overarching goal of the WorldCereal project is to develop a robust and efficient EO solution for global crop monitoring at field scale level, which can be exploited by a large community of stakeholders involved in the agricultural sector and active over a range of scales, from regional crop productivity management, to national agricultural reporting, up to global assessment of cultivated crop extent in a timely manner.The WorldCereal project has the following principal objectives: to demonstrate the feasibility ofglobal crop mapping at field scale based on open high resolution EO data such as Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8;to developinnovative and efficient open source EO methods and tools making full use of cloud computing capabilities for mapping the global extent of annual cropland and two of the major staple crops wheat and maize at a seasonal basis; to build a collaborative approach to exchange with the agricultural community relevant in-situ data sets and disseminate the global crop mapping results in a transparent mannerto showcase the utility of the WorldCereal products by conducting use case studies related to the GEOGLAM initiative and SDG reporting;
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