16, July 2018

ESA Open Invitation to Tender AO9466
Open Date: 09/07/2018
Closing Date: 20/09/2018 13:00:00

Status: ISSUED
Reference Nr.: 18.1ET.10
Prog. Ref.: Technology Developme
Budget Ref.: E/0901-01 – Technology Developme
Tender Type: C
Price Range: 200-500 KEURO
Products: Satellites & Probes / Payloads / Instruments / RF and microwave Instruments / Imaging Radars
Techology Domains: Electromagnetic Technologies and Techniques / Wave Interaction and Propagation / Wave Interaction
Establishment: ESTEC
Directorate: Directorate of Tech, Eng. & Quality
Department: Electrical Engineering Department
Division: RF Payloads & Technology Division
Contract Officer: Ferreol, Audrey
Industrial Policy Measure: C3 – Activities restricted to SMEs & R&D organisations, prefe…
Last Update Date: 09/07/2018
Update Reason: Tender issue

An increasing number of SAR mission concepts make use of the phase (or phase derivative) of the signal backscattered from the natural surface. A proper simulation of this temporally variable component is required either to estimate the performance of the concept (e.g. impact of temporal decorrelation in a long track interferometry or for long integration times) or to support the derivation ofrelated surface properties (e.g. sea currents from in SAR or Doppler).Over land the framework shall be based on a physical model that takes into account the contribution of the stable (in amplitude/phase) and unstable components of the natural target. This decomposition shall be supported by land cover information and shall take into account the spatial resolution of interest. The primary target of this study is complex backscatter for which parametrisation and validation data can be made available using available experimental datasets. The output shall be useable to investigate and reproduce the temporal properties of the microwave scatter over short(synthetic antenna generation), intermediate (orbital convoy) and long (interferometric temporal decorrelation and time series) time scales, spanning from tenths of seconds to days.Over sea there is a need for a mission agnostic reference model of the microwavesea surface scattering that allows to reproduce the phase/Doppler taking into account a realistic spatio-temporal description of the sea surface. It shall produce as an output the amplitude, phase of the scattered signal as well as able to derive the induced SAR signatures (Doppler, etc.).This model shall be developed based on state of the art spatio-temporal descriptions of the sea surface and adequate microwave interaction solutions.The framework shall be developed for frequencies from P- to Ka-band, and parametrised aswell as validated for a subset of these frequencies. Experimental data or reference simulations shall be used to feed and validate the models.It is expected that at the end of the study these models will be made available to the scientific community fo further developments.Procurement Policy: C(3) = Activity restricted to SMEs RD Entities. For additional information please go to EMITS news “Industrial Policy measures for non-primes, SMEs and RD entities in ESA programmes”.

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