ESA Open Invitation To Tender AO8481
Open Date: 07/12/2015
Closing Date: 25/01/2016
Status: ISSUED
Reference Nr.: 15.197.16
Prog. Ref.: General Studies
Budget Ref.: E/0600-00 – General Studies
Tender Type: C
Price Range: 200-500 KEURO
Establishment: ESTEC
Directorate: Directorate of Technical & Quality Manag
Department: System, Software & Technology Department
Division: Future Prep. & Strategic Studies Off.
Contract Officer: Strzelecki, Patryk Michal
Last Update Date: 07/12/2015
Update Reason: Tender issue
The objective of the study is the assessment and design of the AIM TIR Imager as a dual-use instrument addressing both the surface thermal environment characterization of the Didymos asteroid but also the potential use of the TIR images for spacecraft navigation purposes. The study will therefore serve to analysis and consolidate AIM’s objectives concerning TIR imaging, the feasibility of a low-cost TIRI concept, performance estimation and modification/adaptation of existing instrument design(s), where relevant and analysis of the processing in order to consolidate performance of such instrument. Finally, the study shall establish the instrument design requirements and provide detailed interface and operational requirements for the AIM spacecraft.
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