PROJECT TITLE: The science and technology of high emissivity coatings for outer space radiator applications — STECOSRA
Coordinator: National Institute for Laser, Plasma, and Radiation Physics -NILPRP
- Institute of Space Science
Period: 29 November 2013 – 28 November 2016
Project director: Craciun Doina
Project team:
- Craciun Doina CSI
- Craciun Valentin CSI
- Socol Gabriel CSI
- Dorcioman Gabriela CSIII
- Popescu Andrei CSIII
- Garoi Petronela CSIII
- Grumezescu Valentina CS
- Sopronyi Mihai AC
- PhD student/post-doc
- Mogildea Marian
- Zgura Sorin
- Mogildea George
- Mingireanu Florin
- Jivanescu Iulia
- Sobetkii Arcadie
- Capatana Valentina
- Sobetkii Arcadii
Description: High-emissivity coatings of various materials will be grown using the Pulsed Laser Deposition technique to elucidate the relationship between the coatings structure, surface morphology, composition and the optical properties to optimize the emissivity for outer space radiator applications.
The Combinatorial Pulsed-Laser Deposition, a powerful, rapid and inexpensive technique will also be used to obtain data libraries of complex multicomponent materials such as Al2O3+TiO2, ZrO2+TiO2+Y2O3, ZrO2+Y2O3+HfO2 or mixtures of ZrC, ZrN, TiC, TiN, SiC, DLC, and amorphous carbon, in order to select the mixture exhibiting the best combination of high emissivity and thermal stability / thermal shock resistance.
We will also study various ways of inducing texturing of the films through chemical, photochemical and laser irradiation of the substrates and / or film to increase the emissivity.
Once the best recipe for a (mixed) oxide is found, films will be deposited using industrial equipment
This research will provide a blueprint of materials, mixture of materials, nanocomposites and surface texturing processes to be implemented for the manufacturing of high efficiency thermal radiators tailored for specific applications on instruments and equipment that operate on satellites, orbit based IR telescopes, spacecraft or extra-terrestrial bases.
Project objectives:
- Designing of experimental setups
- Synthesis, investigations and optimization of high emissivity coatings for outer space radiators operating at high temperatures
- Enhancement of the emissive properties of substrates and/or coatings by surface structuring approaches
- Fabrication of outer space radiators structures with improved emissivity
- Designing of experimental setups
- Synthesis, investigations and optimization of high emissivity coatings for outer space radiators operating at high temperatures
- Enhancement of the emissive properties of substrates and/or coatings by surface structuring approaches
- Fabrication of outer space radiators structures with improved emissivity
- Designing of the optical and electronic setups necessary for the measurement of emissivity and cooling efficiency in the simulated outer space conditions
- Laser deposition of high emissivity coatings for outer space radiators operating at high temperatures
- Substrates and coatings structuring in view of improvement of emissive properties
- Obtaining of substrate-coating systems by laser techniques with high emissivity for outer space radiator
- Purchasing of high emissivity compound and preparation of PLD targets. (M1-2) (CO)
- Powders of high emissivity compound will be used to fabricate targets necessary for PLD depositions.
- Designing of emissivity measurements setup in the simulated outer space conditions (M1-2). (CO)
- An experimental setup for emissivity measurements which simulated outer space conditions will be designed. Geometrical, optical and thermal parameters will be considered.
- Papers published in ISI journal
- Experimental models
- Thermal radiator technologies based on deposition of coatings with high emissivity
- Thermal radiator technologies based on structured surfaces with high emissivity
- At least one submission for a patent homologation
Contributions to the STAR programme objectives:
- Expertise in optical, structural, and elemental characterization of thin films
- Expertise in thermal management of thin films under outer space conditions
Homepage: STECOSRA