27, November 2017

ESA Open Invitation to Tender AO8987
Open Date: 21/11/2017
Closing Date: 30/01/2018 13:00:00

Status: ISSUED
Reference Nr.: 17.1TF.07
Prog. Ref.: Future Preparation 7
Budget Ref.: E/0501-01C – Future Preparation 7
Tender Type: C
Price Range: 200-500 KEURO
Products: Satellites & Probes / Other
Techology Domains: RF Systems, Payloads and Technologies / Telecommunication Systems/Subsystems / Telecom System Engineering Tools
Establishment: ECSAT
Directorate: Directorate Telecom & Integrated Applica
Department: Telecom Technologies,Product&Systems Dep
Division: Future Projects Division
Contract Officer: Dean, Andrea
Industrial Policy Measure: N/A – Not apply
Last Update Date: 21/11/2017
Update Reason: Tender issue

The current cycle of the World Radio Conference addresses more topics than ever which are of direct relevance to future satellite communications, representing both threats and opportunities. The threats to satellite spectrum allocations, driven primarily by the interests of the terrestrial mobile industry in rolling out 5G networks at higher RF frequencies, are already being realised. Public statements from some national regulators suggest that solutions for sharing spectrum between satellite and terrestrial operator mustbe investigated, and the satellite industrys response will need some consideration. (There was strong criticism from some quartersof the satellite sectors defence of dedicated frequency allocations at WRC-15). On a positive note, a number of agenda items present themselves as opportunities to acquire new spectrum for new applications supported by future satellite systems.The objective of the proposed activity is therefore to help develop and advocate positions favourable to the satellite sector, and specifically toARTES industry, for future agenda items of WRC-19 and the topics which are discussed within CEPT. It is intended as a follow-on andextension of the current smaller preparatory work plan activity. The activity shall actively defend current spectrum allocations for satellite communications whilst seeking and investigating mutually beneficially sharing solutions for spectrum. ARTES industry andEuropean satellite operators will benefit from radio regulatory decisions which are favourable for satellite communications. As an example, the next World Radio Conference will address the shared use of spectrum between GEO and non-GEO systems, in which ARTES industry has large stakes.The activity shall keep detailed track of the on-going discussion in the relevant regulatory fora such as ITU Working Parties and ECC/CEPT Working Groups. In case immediate threats are noted, contributions to relevant meetings and fora shall be prepared accompanied by their technical justifications. With regards to opportunities for acquiring new satellite communication allocations, the activity shall actively seek and discuss with stakeholders and propose contributions to support such allocations. The activity shall make an attempt to consolidate regulatory positions from large stakeholders within ARTES industry, including European satellite operators and be coordinated with the ESA Frequency Management Office.The activity will be supporting a very fluid process, sometime very formal and occasionally informal: therefore the activity shall continuously produce an overview of the developments related to certain WRC-19 agenda items and CEPT Working Issues. Outcomes of this activity will be relevant technical contributions to the WRC-19 and CEPT processes, resulting in favourable positions for the ARTES industry. The activity shall also increase the awareness regarding the spectrum issues which are at stake for ARTES stakeholders, including National Delegates.The outcomesof the activity shall influence discussions in radio regulatory fora and provide recommendations for enabling the systems which could emerge if new satellite spectrum is allocated.

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