ESA Open Invitation to Tender AO9417
Open Date: 08/06/2018
Closing Date: 20/07/2018 13:00:00
Status: ISSUED
Reference Nr.: 18.156.01
Prog. Ref.: CSC Ev.Instr.Mod.
Budget Ref.: E/E101-E5 – CSC Ev.Instr.Mod.
Tender Type: C
Price Range: > 500 KEURO
Products: Satellites & Probes / Other
Techology Domains: Others
Establishment: ESTEC
Directorate: Directorate of EO Programmes
Department: Earth Observation Projects Department
Division: Copernicus Space Comp Space Segment Prog
Contract Officer: Aouad, Nadine
Industrial Policy Measure: N/A – Not apply
Last Update Date: 08/06/2018
Update Reason: Tender issue
The so-called Copernicus Space Component (CSC) Expansion programme includes new missions that have been identified by the European Commission (EC) as priorities for implementation in the coming years by providing additional capabilities in support of current emerging user needs. The large number of Copernicus satellites expected to be developed in the coming years together with the need to ensure a technical sound and financial viable program, drives the need to study a generic platform concept that would match the need of most (if not all) of the future Sentinel missions, rather than having dedicated platform for each mission. The objective of this study is to define the architecture, the specifications and the industrial organisation of a generic platform for Copernicus EOmissions operating in LEO. This platform, for which a set of variants may be envisaged to cover the full spectrum of future Sentinelmissions, while largely drawing on the product lines already available within European platform manufacturers, shall embed all therequired technological advancements in terms of functional architecture, avionics, communication subsystem and compliance to space debris mitigation requirements expected to be standard on a product that shall satisfy the institutional and commercial needs in thecoming 1-2 decades. The identified platform design should therefore be able to serve a heterogeneous range of potential customers compatible with launch on Vega-C (and Vega-E later) and should allow for scalability to different mission classes (in terms launch mass,power needs and orbits) with minimum modifications of the identified baseline architecture. This initiative will enable European players not only to be prepared to support Copernicus future missions but also to compete effectively in the commercial EO market forLEO platforms.The study is running in parallel to the six Phase A/B1 studies associated to the potential CSC Expansion missions, as well as to the Phase 0 and later Phase A of the CSC Extension sentinels. It is the objective to have a clear synergy among all theseactivities, having demonstrated by the end of this study the ability of the proposed platform(s) to adequately support the missionsunder preparation. Consequently the requirements applicable to the Generic Platform will be revised, together with Industry,in the course of the study, to benefit from the parallel consolidation of the CSC missions requirements.Therefore the procurement will be open to all economic operators belonging to the ESA Member and Associated States and Canada, participating in said EOEP-5 Programme; to date: Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, theNetherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom and Canada.
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