ESA Open Invitation To Tender AO8477
Open Date: 26/11/2015
Closing Date: 14/01/2016
Status: ISSUED
Reference Nr.: 15.118.02
Prog. Ref.: SSA Period 2 – SST
Budget Ref.: E/0715-03 – SSA Period 2 – SST
Tender Type: C
Price Range: 100-200 KEURO
Establishment: ESOC
Directorate: Directorate Human Spaceflight & Operatio
Department: SSA Preparatory Programme Office
Contract Officer: Rodriguez Perulero, Marta
Last Update Date: 26/11/2015
Update Reason: Tender issue
This activity aims at the acquisition of observations in the SST context to support the end-to-end testing of the SST applications and data processing chain, as well as to support the testing and validation of ongoing and upcoming development activities, in particular performing beampark (i.e. survey) and tracking experiments with radar and optical sensors (such as, SpaDe optical telescope, MLRO (Matera Laser Ranging Observatory) SLR station, Croce del Nord radio telescope, SRT (Sardinia Radio Telescope) radio telescope, North-Bohemian Observatory optical telescope). This activity shall characterise, evaluate, and qualify these new sensors, previouslynot been tested in the SST segment. Tests will include verification of data formats and interfaces, evaluation of sensor parametersand capabilities and performance estimation during conducted test campaigns. The sensor operators will receive feedback and, if necessary, be supported in the execution of improvements and adjustments of the tested sensors, such as for example to qualify the hardware for SLR observations of uncooperative space debris.
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