ESA Open Invitation To Tender AO8637
Open Date: 31/05/2016
Closing Date: 12/07/2016 13:00:00
Status: ISSUED
Reference Nr.: 16.1QQ.04
Prog. Ref.: TEC Tech. Assessment N/A Fund
Budget Ref.: E/0900-02 – TEC Tech. Assessment N/A – N/A Fund
Tender Type: C
Price Range: 100-200 KEURO
Products: Satellites & Probes / Other
Technology Domains: Others
Establishment: ESTEC
Directorate: Directorate of Technical & Quality Manag
Department: Product Assurance and Safety Department
Contract Officer: Jeusset, Benjamin
Industrial Policy Measure: N/A – Not apply
Last Update Date: 31/05/2016
Update Reason: Tender issue
The objective of the work is to perform the surveillance and recommendation activity necessary to maintain the certification against the applicable standard requirements of the following ESA Directorate Management Systemsa) EOP (Earth Observations Programs Directorate) QMS certification against EN-9100.The EOP QMS certification covers the full Directorate organisation, including:- EOP-PProjects Department- EOP-GGround Segment Department- EOP-SScience, Applications and Future Technologies Department- EOP-CProgramme Planning and Coordination Service- EOP-BBusiness Unit Controlling OfficeEOP is based at the ESA establishments of HQ (Head Quarter) at Paris FRANCE, ESRIN (European Space Research Institute) at Frascati – ITALY and ESTEC (European Space Research and Technology Centre) at Noordwijk – THE NETHERLANDS. b) OPS (Operations Directorate) QMS certification against ISO 9001 and ISMS certification against ISO 27000. The OPS Directorate QMS certification covers the full Directorate organisation:- OPS-G Ground Systems Engineering department – OPS-OMission Operations department – OPS-LSSA Preparatory Office including the ground stations of Cebreros (E), Redu (B), Kiruna (S), Kourou (F), New Norcia (Aus), Malargue (RA).OPS is based at the ESA establishment of ESOC (European Space Operations Centre) at Darmstadt – GERMANYc) HRE (Human Space Flight and Robotic Exploration Programmes Directorate) QMS certification against ISO 9001. The HRE Directorate QMS certification covers the full Directorate organisation:- HRE-I ISS Programme and Exploration Department- HRE-P Development Department- HRE-U Science Department- HRE-A European Astronaut Centre Department HRE is based at the ESA establishments of ESTEC (European Space Research and Technology Centre) at Noordwijk – THE NETHERLANDS and EAC (European Astronaut Centre) Cologne – GERMANYd) LAU (Launchers Programme Directorate) QMS certification against ISO 9001. The LAU Directorate QMS certification covers the full Directorate organisation:- LAU-SLaunchers Policy, Plans Quality Management Department- LAU-P Launchers Development Department- LAU-E Launchers Exploitation Department- LAU-LELaunchers Evolution Preparation Programmes- LAU-K Directorate Representation in Kourou and Launch Range- LAU-COOperating Planning Business Unit Controlling Office LAU is based at the ESA establishments of HQ-D (Head Quarter – Daumesnil) at Paris – FRANCE and ESRIN (European Space Research Institute) at Frascati ITALYe) TEC (Technical and Quality Management Directorate) QMS certification against ISO 9001, and ESTEC Test Centre QMS certification against EN 9100. The TEC Directorate ISO 9001 certification covers the full Directorate organisation:- TEC-EElectrical Engineering Department- TEC-M Mechanical Engineering Department- TEC-QProduct Assurance and SafetyDepartment- TEC-SSystems, Software and In-Orbit Demonstration Department- TEC-P Planning Management Support Office- TEC-TTechnology Programme Office. The ESTEC Test Centre EN 9100 certification covers only TEC-MX, the ESTEC Test Centre Division. TEC is based at theESA establishment of ESTEC (European Space Research and Technology Centre) at Noordwijk -THE NETHERLANDS. Another (optional) objective of the work is to perform the activity necessary to extend the certification of the OPS QMS and HRE QMS to the requirements of EN 9100.
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