11, April 2016

ESA Open Invitation To Tender AO8261

Open Date: 31/03/2016

Closing Date: 26/05/2016 13:00:00

Status: ISSUED

Reference Nr.: 15.155.03

Prog. Ref.: EOEP-4 EO Prep. Acti

Budget Ref.: E/0092-E4 – EOEP-4 EO Prep. Acti


Tender Type: C

Price Range: 200-500 KEURO

Products: Ground Segment / User Operations / Instrument management, Data analysis, PI equipment, etc.

Techology Domains: Others

Establishment: ESTEC

Directorate: Directorate of EO Programmes

Department: Science, Appl & Future Technologies Dept

Division: Mission Science Division

Contract Officer: de la Feld, Francesca

Industrial Policy Measure: N/A – Not apply

Last Update Date: 31/03/2016

Update Reason: Tender issue

The key objectives of this activity are to determine the temporal and spatial variability of the snow cover over the three campaign areas by means of in-situ data, and compare with the SnowSAR data, snow process models driven by meteorological data, output of numerical weather prediction models and passive microwave data (where reasonable). Furthermore, the sensitivity and relationship of the acquired SnowSAR data (X-band and Ku-band) to the main snowpack parameters (Snow Extent, Snow Water Equivalent (SWE), Snow accumulation over glaciers) should be analysed over three different snow regimes and background media as acquired during SnowSAR-2, TVCExp, and AlpSAR. Empirical or parametric relationships between SnowSAR data and snowpack physical parameters using the result of the sensitivity analysis should be derived.

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