ESA Open Invitation To Tender AO8333
Open Date: 24/07/2015
Closing Date: 18/09/2015
Status: ISSUED
Reference Nr.: 15.187.06
Prog. Ref.: Network& Data Dissem
Budget Ref.: E/E013-01 – Network& Data Dissem
Tender Type: C
Price Range: > 500 KEURO
Establishment: ESRIN
Directorate: Directorate of EO Programmes
Department: Ground Segment & Mission Operations Dep
Division: GSC Mission Mgmt & GS Development Div
Contract Officer: Guedel, Berenice
Last Update Date: 24/07/2015
Update Reason: Modified the Contract Condition (English version)
The Sentinels Rolling Archive provides open and free access to the latest Sentinel data products. The Sentinels Rolling Archive products user-access, operations, maintenance and evolutions€ Invitation to Tender (ITT) intends to ensure a continuity of the current rolling archive service without impact to the users. The operations of the Rolling Archive shall be performed following a service approach with defined performance indicators, service levels. Evolutions in the service are foreseen to integrate the new Sentinels data, to maintain and evolve the service to manage both an increasing volume of data products and higher demand from an increasinguser base, as well as providing overall improvements in the general service offering including INSPIRE interoperability. the current rolling archive product user access service is facilitated by an open source software called the Data Hub Software (DHuS). The DHuS provides a simple web interface to allow an interactive data discovery and download, and a powerful Application Programming Interface (API) that allows users to access the data via computer programs/scripts thereby automating/integrating the download within their workflow. During the bidding period, the DHuS will be made available to the Bidders for evaluation. The Bidders shall be free to propose potential reuse or alternative/new software solutions, although a strict compatibility with the exposed APIs will be required to ensure no impact to the scripts/workflows already developed by users to download their data. The procurement will favour an Open Source approach for any replacement software. This ITT is funded by the Copernicus Programme and is open exclusively to economic operators which have their registered office in an EU Member State or Iceland or Norway. In order to access the ITT Package from EMITS, a bidder must be registered in EMITS as a potential ESA supplier. Any bidder which is not yet registered with ESA as a potential supplier must complete the online questionnaire on EMITS, under the tab “Entity registration”. Further information on the registration process can be found in ESA’s INDUSTRY PORTAL available at: While the registration process is underway, bidders may access the ITT Package through ESA’s dedicated Copernicus server, which is accessible at:
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