Romanian Dual CubeSat Mission. Development of the RoBiSat-1 spacecraft
23, July 2014

PROJECT TITLE: Romanian Dual CubeSat Mission. Development of the RoBiSat-1 spacecraft

Coordinator: Institute of Space Science

Partners: –

Period: November 2012 – July 2014

Project director: Mugurel Balan

Project team:

Description: RoBiSat Mission is part of the QB50 international mission.

Base on the team expertise, the QB50 consortium has selected us to develop 2 of the 50 cubesats involved in QB50.

QB50 mission – multi-point, in-situ, long-duration measurements of key parameters and constituents in the largely unexplored lower thermosphere and ionosphere

The Romanian satellites will carry m-NLP as QB50 science unit.

RoBiSat mission is an inflight demonstrator of a custom design ISL.

Estimated launch date – Q1 2016

Project objectives:

  • Design and develop a double unit CubeSat type nanosatellite capable to operate for at least three months on a 320 Km, 79 degree inclination Low Earth Orbit (LEO).
  • Design, develop and integrate the required critical BUS subsystems capable to operate within QB50 mission/system requirements.
  • Develop a inter satellite radio communication module capable of ensure an inter satellite link (ISL) with ranging capability.
  • Design and built a payload interface board in order to integrate the QB50 scientific payload.


  • Resources for design and manufacturing
  • System Requirements
  • BUS subsystem
  • Payload
  • EMI Assembly integration and testing
  • Project Management

Contributions to the STAR programme objectives:

  •  RoBiSat-1 project is aligned with national strategy of fly hardware.
  • The ISL module represent a critical subsystem in case of formation flying missions.
  • RoBiSat-1 project involves local suppliers and third parties which develop products for space applications. 
