PROJECT TITLE: Remote controlled robotic hand with intelligent sensory feedback for outside Earth interventions in hazardous environments — STARHAND
Coordinator: University “Politehnica” of Bucharest
- Romanian Academy Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence “Mihai Draganescu”
- Solaris Consult SRL
Period: 29 November 2013 – 28 November 2016
Project director: Gheorghe M. Stefan
Project team: 6 x Scientific researchers I, 5 x Scientific researchers II, 11 x Scientific researchers III, 5 x Scientific researchers , 18 x Research assistants, 13 x Auxiliary personal
Description: The project activities are designed to obtain an anthropomorphic robotic arm remotely controlled by a human operator. The movements of the operators arm and hand will be exactly reproduced by the manipulation arm, which will provide feedback regarding the pressure confronted with and also 3D visual information of the manipulation area.
Project objectives:
- Project website and intranet realization – for dissemination and team communication
- Fundamental research for mechanical hand remote space operations, with feedback
- Experimental mechanical structure and drives for the robotic hand
- Control system for the robotic hand – Intelligent sensory feedback system
- Components integration and experimental model validation
WP1 involved:
- Project website and intranet implementation and configuration
- Analysis on robotic hands compatibility with existing space equipment
- Hypothesis formulation on remote operation in hazardous outside Earth environments
- Architectural concepts for remote space operations
- Technical specification definition for remote controlled outside Earth robotic systems
- A paper published into an international journal in the field
WP2 involved:
- Conceptual model on mechanical structure and its movements in different gravity conditions
- Selection criteria for the mechanical structure of the robotic hand
- Acquisition of mechanical structures, drivers and parts
Contributions to the STAR programme objectives:
The innovative robotic products to be achieved in this project will materialise top science results, competitive at a global level, with relevant impact on the economic agents that will implement the transfer of knowledge to the economic practice, increasing the organisations capacity to participate in ESA Programs.
The research specialists involved into this project will be trained for further ROSA and ESA projects, gaining expertise in the space application domain.