ESA Open Invitation to Tender AO9303
Open Date: 04/05/2018
Closing Date: 15/06/2018 13:00:00
Status: ISSUED
Reference Nr.: 18.118.04
Prog. Ref.: SSA P3 Space Weather
Budget Ref.: E/0716-01 – SSA P3 Space Weather
Tender Type: C
Price Range: > 500 KEURO
Techology Domains: Spacecraft Environments and Effects / Space Weather / Modelling Development and IT Infrastructure
Establishment: ESOC
Directorate: Directorate of Operations
Department: Space Situational Awareness Programme Of
Contract Officer: Thro, Caroline
Industrial Policy Measure: N/A – Not apply
Last Update Date: 04/05/2018
Update Reason: Tender issue
ESCs are internationally distributed centres of expertise focused on a specific domain. They consist of a Coordinator and a number of Expert Groups. This activity will build on the work done to establish Geomagnetic Conditions ESC during SSA Period 2, starting with the continued provision of the Geomagnetic Conditions products and other pre-operational activities of the Centre. The development part of this activity will involve continued consolidation and expansion of the ESC in accordance with its mission statement, ensuring necessary agreements are in place within the ESC to ensure continued provision of key data sources. The activity shall include further empirical model development and coordinated validation of existing products, in particular in the area of geomagnetic disturbance forecast. The activity shall also include the incorporation of additional data resources complementary to those already available within the ESC, extending the region of geomagnetic services coverage to the wider European region. Tailoring of product presentation to best meet end user requirements shall be undertaken. Results of the ESC definition activities which were elaborated by inter-ESC working groups throughout the Period 2 development phase of the ESCs will be implemented. Provision of second-line support in response to user requests, provision of inputs for the SWE product catalogue covering this domain shall also be covered by this activity.
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