ESA Open Invitation to Tender AO10050
Open Date: 20/09/2019
Closing Date: 11/11/2019 13:00:00
Status: ISSUED
Reference Nr.: 19.154.16
Prog. Ref.: NAVISP Element 1
Budget Ref.: E/0365-10 – NAVISP Element 1
Tender Type: C
Price Range: 200-500 KEURO
Products: Satellites & Probes / Payloads / Instruments / RF and microwave Instruments / Other (Scatterometers,..) / Satellites & Probes / Payloads / Instruments / Optical Instruments / Lidars
Technology Domains: RF Systems, Payloads and Technologies / RF Payloads / EO Instruments / RF Systems, Payloads and Technologies / RF Payloads / Navigation Payloads / RF Systems, Payloads and Technologies / Radio Navigation Systems/Subsystems / Onboard Receivers / Electromagnetic Technologies and Techniques / Wave Interaction and Propagation / Wave Interaction / Electromagnetic Technologies and Techniques / Wave Interaction and Propagation / Wave Propagation
Establishment: ESTEC
Directorate: Directorate of Navigation
Department: Strategy and Programme Department
Division: NAVISP Programme Office
Contract Officer: Papaioannou, Maria
Industrial Policy Measure: N/A – Not apply
Last Update Date: 20/09/2019
Update Reason: Tender issue
Advanced GNSS-based processing techniques (e.g. exploiting simultaneously direct and reflected signals) applied to commercial aircraft can provide very useful scientific data with higher spatial and temporal resolution than current spaceborne instruments. The objectives of the activity are to: (a) evaluate benefits of the crowdsourcing strategy based on commercial aircraft in terms of coverage, revisiting time and enabled science applications; and (b) determine capabilities of the state of art of passive remote sensing techniques based on GNSS (multifrequency multiconstellation) and (c) define the instrument and the exploitation infrastructure. The result of the activity will provide: (a) the confirmation of technical feasibility of embarking GNSSbased remote sensing instruments in commercial aircraft, in order to complement Earth Observation satellite services; (b) the definition of requirements of airborne GNSSR instruments for the identified scientific applications; (c) the requirements and accommodation constraints from aircraft manufacturers and carriers; and (d) the identification of significant use cases, the preliminary design of the related airborne GNSSRinstruments and the definition of a representative endtoend concept demonstration.
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