PROJECT TITLE: National strategy for space and related fields — SNDS
Coordinator: IAROM SA Bucuresti
- BITNET Centrul de Cercetari Senzori & Sisteme
Period: 22 October 2012 – 22 October 2015
Project director: Toncea Mihail Nicolae
Project team: The human resources involved in the project consist of staff with scientific, technical and economic training, with expertise in R&D, who participated in various projects, in national and international research-development-innovation programs. The human resources are integrated in a coherent way, by planning for each WP the staff with the necessary and appropriate scientific training, and by setting the exact breakdown of activities and tasks, specifying the role of the participants and the deliverables.
Description: The mission of the project “National strategy for space and related fields” is to increase the competitiveness of research, industrial and academic entities for participation in the European space activities through a competitive strategy of excellence able to define the directions and development objectives on the medium and long term that may decisively cause the participation of Romanian entities in activities and applications in the mandatory and optional programs, including prequalification activities and adaptation to the ESA requirements. The development of a realistic and coherent strategy, harmonized with the European space strategy and policy, will provide to all involved entities a pragmatic strategy document that will lead to the creation of scientific, technological and industrial niches at national and European level in the field of space, and to identification of projects / activities for Romanian entities participation in the ESA programs, and to the exploitation of opportunities created by the accession of Romania in the ESA and the EU.
The strategy may be the core of the strengthening and the sustainable development of the Romanian space field on medium and long term, at least in two of its major components: vector of scientific – technological – industrial leading progress and the strategic importance of the area.
Project objectives: Analysis of key documents on European strategy and space policy on medium and long term promoted by ESA and EU bodies about the European space field; Identification of major directions and objectives favorable to be approached by the Romanian entities in order to increase their competitiveness; Identify entities involved in R&D, industrial and human resource training activities in the Romanian space and related fields; SWOT analysis for Romanian entities working in R&D, industry and human resource training in the space field; Evaluation of current level of performance to determine the development potential in the main entities from space sector; Harmonization of internal activity with the Technology Master Plan set by ESA; Defining within the activities identified in the program topics, for the principle of obtaining and preservation of intellectual property rights (IPR) at the national level; Annual Report – “Space Activities in Romania”; Elaboration of the project “National Strategy for space and related fields” on medium and long term; Scientific, technical and financial training and support for the delegations and the analysis of the ESA Committee activities.
- WP1 – Analysis of the European space strategy and space policy as instruments in the service of internal and external policies of the EU and its social, economic and strategic imperatives, in order to identify the major directions and objectives for Romanian entities participation to projects, products, activities and applications for the European space area.
- WP2 – Identification of Romanian entities with development potential for participation in R&D, industrial and human resource training activities, in the mandatory and optional ESA programs.
- WP3 – Identification of Romanian entities from areas related to space field – aeronautics and security etc. with development potential for realization of projects, products, activities and applications for space field.
- WP4 – Identify industrial niches at national and European level in the space area, harmonization with the Technology Master Plan, Technology Readiness Level and the forecast on IPR for increasing the contribution of Romanian entities to fulfillment of ESA programs
- WP5 – Defining the directions and objectives for strategic development on medium and long term for participation of Romanian entities to achievement of national program STAR and ESA priorities – Galileo and GMES projects, and the projects on climate change, security, competitiveness and space exploration
- WP6 – Defining the National Strategy for space and related fields, and strategy implementation having as main instrument for implementation the national program of Space Technology and Advanced Research – STAR and also the ESA programs for Romania
Contributions to the STAR programme objectives:
The result of the project will be an innovative strategy document, with content and predictive validity, according to specific spatial field and objectives, with favorable economic, social and environmental impact, to ensure the harmonization with the European space policy and extending the participation of national entities involved in R&D, technology and industry, to projects / activities included in the STAR program and in the ESA mandatory and optional programs, and thereby the sustainable and competitive development of the Romanian space field.
Homepage: http://snds.iarom.ro