ESA Open Invitation to Tender AO9486
Open Date: 09/08/2018
Closing Date: 08/10/2018 13:00:00
Status: ISSUED
Reference Nr.: 18.112.11
Prog. Ref.: Technology Developme
Budget Ref.: E/0901-01 – Technology Developme
Tender Type: C
Price Range: 200-500 KEURO
Products: Ground Segment / Ground Station / Baseband equipment / Telemetry and Telecommand equipment, Tracking, Ranging and Doppler measurement equipment, CODECS, …
Techology Domains: Ground Station Systems and Networks / Ground Station System / TT&C, Radar and Optical Signal & Data Processing
Establishment: ESOC
Directorate: Directorate of Operations
Department: Ground Systems Engineering Department
Division: Ground Station Systems Division
Contract Officer: Bednarek, Maren
Industrial Policy Measure: C2 – Activities in open competition, significant partecipat…
Last Update Date: 09/08/2018
Update Reason: Tender issue
Supporting more than two spacecraft simultaneously with Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)modulation and associated lineariser has the following advantages: – Same nominal frequency- Multiplication of antenna support hours- Multiplication of downlink time for each mission- Sharing support costs (lower cost per mission)The study will address the modifications required in the Ground Station (GS), in order to support several spacecraft per aperture using DSSS CDMA in the uplink and downlink Telemetry Tracking Command (TTC) system.The study will be in synergy with the ‘CDMA Implementation for TTC and Precision Navigation study’, that will make the system study and breadboard the on board transponder and needs the ground station resultingfrom this study. Initially proposed is the same modulation schema as used for Galileo TTC for CDMA.The need for lineariser in theuplink will be considered, which is necessary for DSSS.The outcome of the study will be the architectural design of the ground station and breadboarding of the ground station system critical technologies.The study will be built upon the results of the previous GSP study on Future Multiple Aperture access schemes.The breadboard of the ground station modem will allow testing with the corresponding on board receiver breadboard, produced in a related activity.C2: Activities in open competition , where a significant participation of non-LSI is requested
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