ESA Open Invitation To Tender AO8217
Open Date: 23/02/2015
Closing Date: 20/04/2015
Status: ISSUED
Reference Nr.: 14.164.25
Prog. Ref.: AURORA MREP-2 S.E.2;General Studies
Budget Ref.: E/0432-01 – AURORA MREP-2 S.E.2;E/0600-00 – General Studies
Tender Type: C
Price Range: KEURO
Establishment: ESTEC
Directorate: Directorate of Science & Robotic Explor.
Department: Future Missions Preparation Office
Contract Officer: Byberg, Helena
Last Update Date: 23/02/2015
Update Reason: Tender issue
The main objective of the study is to achieve critical progress towards mission implementation by: 1.Elaborating a system designand detailed spacecraft configurations (for the two joint mission scenarios and the ESA-standalone scenario), building on the designfrom the Assessment phase (Phootprint pre-phase A) and the joint phase 0 (joint PhSR CDF). 2.Providing full evidence that the S/Cmeets the overall mission requirements and is fully consistent with the external I/F, i.e. Roscosmos-led modules (for the two jointmission scenarios), payload, instruments, ground segment and launcher 3.Demonstrating the ESA programmatic requirements are met. 4.Providing consolidated inputs (technical, programmatic, financial) for the C-MIN 16 in view of mission adoption and implementation. For the phase A, the detailed objectives of the study are: – The consolidation of the mission requirements and critical review of the science reference payload – The definition of the mission architecture and concept of operations (including : timeline, orbits and trajectories, spacecraft and science operations) – The definition of the space segment, including: design, modelling, development plan and verification approach – Identify the cost drivers for each scenario and implement cost-efficient solutions – The preliminary definition of interfaces with ground segment – The preliminary definition of interfaces for the science instrumentation – The preliminary definition of the interfaces between ESA and Roscosmos provided elements – The consolidation of the ESA critical technology activities and pre-developments to be implemented for securing the 2024 launch slot, for each of the scenarios. – The risk analysis including mitigation options – The preliminary identification of potential subcontractors in the implementation phase for theprocurement of ESA provisions; the study contractor will elaborate sound options for the industrial core team and the subcontractors, which will be further used by the Agency for CMIN-2016 preparation and discussions with the Member States – The estimate of industrial costs for the various scenarios For the phase B1, the detailed objectives of the study are : – The consolidation of the Phase Adesign – The consolidation of the space segment system requirements and interfaces, in preparation of the implementation phase – The consolidation of the industrialisation approach options for the development of ESA provision to the space segment. – The consolidation of the risk portfolio – The consolidation of industrial costs.
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