ESA Open Invitation To Tender AO8444
Open Date: 15/01/2016
Closing Date: 26/02/2016
Status: ISSUED
Reference Nr.: 15.164.13
Budget Ref.: E/0431-01 – AURORA MREP-2 S.E.1;E/0432-01 – AURORA MREP-2 S.E.2
Tender Type: C
Price Range: No Range
Establishment: ESTEC
Directorate: Directorate of Science & Robotic Explor.
Department: Future Missions Preparation Office
Division: IPL-P
Contract Officer: Arrabal, Pablo
Last Update Date: 15/01/2016
Update Reason: Tender issue
The aim of HRAF is to support the integration, verification and validation of autonomy systems and associated technologies from unit up to mission level. This requires the use of specialist test facilities including mock planetary surfaces, software-based simulation environments and physical field trials in representative environments to provide ground truth. The first step in the implementation of the HRAF Core infrastructure is being performed through the Pilot Project 1 (E908-001FP), which simulates long-range rover navigation based almost entirely on Visual Localisation using stereo cameras in support of mission concepts such as the SFR or long-range science rover. The Pilot 2 activity aims to progress to the next step in rover technology readiness by performing a set of field trials to test ESA-developed technologies for long-range and fast navigation (SPARTAN/SEXTANT). The accumulation of realistic field-test data during these trials will feed directly into extended validation of recently developed rover-locomotion simulation tools such as SWIFT (developed under TRP for Mars missions). The inclusion of newly-developed ground system operations software for rover operations (e.g. IRONCAP) can also be envisaged. This will allow the extended validation of ESA’s investments in state-of-the-art rover technologies in representative environments, therefore providing much increased confidence in the technologies to be adopted for use in future ESA missions. The HRAF Pilot Project 2 will: – perform extended validation of recently ESA-developed rover technologies through field trials using an SFR-like scenario; – develop further the HRAF data archive to handle more different types of autonomy related data sets and support validation of existing simulation tools;
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