2, April 2015

ESA Open Invitation To Tender AO8211
Open Date: 31/03/2015
Closing Date: 12/05/2015

Status: ISSUED
Reference Nr.: 14.133.11
Prog. Ref.: TRP
Budget Ref.: E/0901-01 – TRP
Tender Type: C
Price Range: 200-500 KEURO
Establishment: ESTEC
Directorate: Directorate of Technical & Quality Manag
Department: Mechanical Engineering Department
Division: Structure and Mechanisms Division
Contract Officer: Wesolowski, Szymon
Last Update Date: 31/03/2015
Update Reason: Tender issue

There is an increasing need for separation functions in science and robotic exploration, remaining lightweight and reliable. These separation functions often includes electrical connection, as potentially foreseen for MarcoPolo-R and Phootprint. The traditional approaches (consisting either in using a pyro-cutter or in disconnecting during the separation) suffer from drawbacks when miniaturisation is required (the demating forces of the connectors are high and increase if the connector becomes tilted). Such issues have been encountered both on LISA-Pathfinder and on Bepi-Colombo, and have had serious schedule impacts in the AIT, including some re-design works. An alternative approach consists of disconnecting the electrical function before the separation (thus reducing the force separation budget) by using a Motorised Umbilical Separation Device (MUSD). The activity includes, starting from detailed requirements specifications and an existing space qualified connector: – a trade off on the motorised disconnectable function, – the detailed design and the bread board, – the environmental tests and a lifetime test of this breadboard. Procurement Policy: C(1) = Activity restricted to non-prime contractors (incl. SMEs). For additional information please go to EMITS news “Industrial Policy measures for non-primes, SMEs and R&D entities in ESA programmes”.

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