PROJECT TITLE: MICRO-CPVS Space Systems and Technology – MICRO-CPVS
Coordinator: National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies – IMT Bucharest
Partners: European Business Innovation&Research Center S.A. -EBIC-
Period: 29 November 2013 – 31 December 2015
Project director: Elena Manea
Project team: –
Description: MICRO-CPVS is the short name of a Micro-Concentrator within Photo Voltaic Cell System designated for all space applications including an innovative system architecture and subsystem assembly based on the patented micro-technologies. MICRO-CPVS project proposal is set for space technology developments within Phase 1a of joint AT and TASF joint industrial request to support the emerge of key and promosing technologies for improvements of the Next Generation European GEO telecommunication satellites competitiveness, related to introduction and developments of the innovative technologies which are aimed to supporty an increased of the performance efficiency, mass reduction, reliability and cost savings. The overall MICRO-CPVS increasing for the required electric power supply for space appications is due to the additional subsystems developments for micro-concentrator and micro-heat sink – that is subject of further evaluation based on patented solutions.
Project objectives:
- The MICRO--CPVS© project is addressing the research specific objecFves of the STAR Program 2013 regarding the support and increased capacity of parFcipaFon to several ESA operaFonal programmes such as Mars RoboFc ExploraFon, but not limited to the increasing the mission endurance of any other scienFfic roboFc exploraFon, GNSS satellites or the satellites for telecommunicaFon and human space acFviFes.
- This research project is focused on developments of the advanced power systems for space technologies, sub--systems and power support equipment, very well suitable also for the aeronauFcs developments and other industrial acFviFes.
- The proposal aims which demonstrate a clear long--term vision that is far beyond the state of the art for space technology and reliable power supplies, and is engaging within the high--risk innovaFve ideas rather than refinement of current scienFfic approaches.
- Project is expected to bring experience on the advanced technologies addressing research problems in the space domain by the SME and local aerospace industry.
- WP1 – System design specification and system architecture definition
- WP2 – Concept adaptive-charger models and system’s technology
- WP3 – System virtual 3D models and basic functional 3D simulation
- WP4 – Research results IPRs protection
- WP5 – System models manufacturing and laboratory testing
- WP6 – Dissemination and exploitation plan
Contributions to the STAR programme objectives:
- specific niche identification for research, technology and industry at national/EU and international levels;
- is able to define and identify future project proposals for participation to ESA operational programmes: PROBA III, PRODEX, NEOSAT has been identified and the project results will be further developed for use;
- encourage developments and promotion of the national capacity for research, education and industrial in the areas of space activities, aeronautics industry, security and connected domains;
- is improving partenership (cooperation and interaction model) between the research entities and industry
- interdisciplinary developments of research experts at the highest levels – continuing formation/practive
- is setting bases for top scientific production and increasing the up/down stream research quality levels;
- sustainable development and improved diversity for research applications from space domain to industry areas and specific to national aerospace industry, increased education, security and social applications.
Homepage: MICRO-CPVS