ESA Open Invitation To Tender AO8609
Open Date: 31/05/2016
Closing Date: 12/07/2016 13:00:00
Status: ISSUED
Reference Nr.: 16.164.05
Prog. Ref.: CTP – General
Budget Ref.: E/0401-01B – CTP – General
Tender Type: C
Price Range: > 500 KEURO
Products: Satellites & Probes / Payloads / Instruments / Instruments ¿ BB
Technology Domains: Optoelectronics / Laser Technologies / Laser Sources
Establishment: ESTEC
Directorate: Directorate of Science
Department: Future Missions Office
Contract Officer: Weihert, Beatrice
Industrial Policy Measure: N/A – Not apply
Last Update Date: 31/05/2016
Update Reason: Tender issue
A space-borne interferometric gravitational wave observatory mission requires a laser system with exceptional performance requirements which must be met over the entire mission lifetime. Of particular criticality are the output power, frequency and power stability and sideband phase fidelity. The goal of this activity is the development and test of an engineering model (EM) of a laser system meeting the requirements thereby demonstrating TRL 6. The activity shall be split in two contractual phases, with two parallel PhaseI contracts being followed by a single Phase II contract. A third intended phase, not covered under this activity, shall be addressed as an option in the proposals submitted. Phase I shall begin with the assessment of currently available optoelectronics technology and identify the modifications, if required, for the technology to be used in a laser system for a gravitational wave observatory mission. The identified modifications shall be implemented in this phase and the results integrated into the laser system design. The laser system design shall be supported by appropriate trade-offs and analysis. As far as possible a breadboard demonstration of the chosen design shall be conducted in order to demonstrate compliance with the performance requirements in a laboratory environment. The qualification status of all components of the proposed system shall be reviewed with respect to the operational environment e.g. vacuum, radiation, lifetime and a test plan to be implemented in Phase II shall be developed. Phase I shall also deliver a design and development plan for Phase II and Phase III, as well as towards the full flight system. Phase II shall begin with the completion of the detailed laser system design. The laser system EM shall be manufactured and subjected to functional and performance testing in a relevant environment. Phase II shall address any component level testing required for demonstrating compliance with the L3 mission environment i.e. the demonstration of component TRL 7Phase III shall demonstrate the lifetime of the proposed system on a second EM in a relevant environment.
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