PROJECT TITLE: Identifying linearity/non-linearity in landscape evolution by integrating satellite-based radar interferometry and ground-based monitoring data. Study area: Bucharest — GEOSPACE
Coordinator: University of Bucharest, The Center for Risk Studies, Spatial Modelling, Terrestrial and Coastal System Dynamics Department of Geomorphology Faculty of Geography
Period: 29 November 2013 – 15 December 2015
Project director: Prof.dr. Iuliana Armas
Project team:
- CSI Armas Iuliana (UB)
- CSII Necsoiu Marius (UB & SwRI, San Antonio, USA)
- CSIII Mendes Diana (UB & ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon, Portugal)
- PhD student Gheorghe Diana (UB)
- PhD student Mihaela Gheorghe (UB)
- S.I. univ. dr. Eng. Calin Alexandru (UTCB)
- S.I. univ. dr. Eng. Dumitru Paul Daniela (UTCB)
- Conf. univ. dr. Eng. Badescu Octavian (UTCB)
- S.I. univ. dr. Eng. Plopeanu Marin (UTCB)
- Conf. univ. dr. Eng. Cosarca Constantin (UTCB)
- CSIII Alexandra Enulca (OPTOELECTRONICA-2001 S.A.)
- CSIII Mihai Serbanescu (OPTOELECTRONICA-2001 S.A.)
- CSIII Mirela Trupina (OPTOELECTRONICA-2001 S.A.)
- CS Octavian Linte (OPTOELECTRONICA-2001 S.A.)
Description: Project goal is to capture landscape evolution patterns within the context of the nonlinear dynamic system (NDS) theory, using single polarized synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite data and multi-temporal radar interferometry (InSAR) methodologies.
Project objectives:
- The identification of instability areas using change analysis based on optical satellite data (i.e., Landsat imagery), historical radar satellite images (i.e., ERS-like and ENVISAT) and TSX/TDX data.
- Complex validation of radar displacement products based on Global Navigation Satellite System or GNSS, leveling geodetic measurements, as well as by conventional geological and geomorphological methods.
- Identifying linear/non-linear landscape evolution patterns in different spatial and temporal scales, due to changes in fluvial dynamics triggered by climate change and geotectonics.
Phase 1 – Identifying ground subsidence patterns
Phase 2 – Global data system integration and validation
Contributions to the STAR programme objectives: