ESA Open Invitation to Tender AO10345
Open Date: 07/05/2020
Closing Date: 18/06/2020 13:00:00
Status: ISSUED
Reference Nr.: 20.1AP.12
Prog. Ref.: BASS 4.0.1
Budget Ref.: E/0520-01G – BASS 4.0.1
Tender Type: C
Price Range: 50-100 KEURO
Products: Non Space Procurement/Services
Technology Domains: Others
Establishment: ESTEC
Directorate: Directorate Telecom & Integrated Applica
Department: Downstream Business Applications Dept.
Division: Study and Project Management Office
Contract Officer: Beardsell, Andrea
Industrial Policy Measure: N/A – Not apply
Last Update Date: 07/05/2020
Update Reason: Tender issue
This Kick-start Call is aimed at identifying services with a clear market opportunity and a clear added-value in using space-based data in order to meet the demand of the user communities which are impacted by any type of natural disasters. Man-made disasters such as consequences of criminal acts, nuclear testing or oil spills are not the subject of this call. Services that can be addressed by the bidders must be relevant for the phase of preparedness (i.e. planning how to respond to a disaster) and response (i.e. effortsto minimize the hazards created by a disaster). The service opportunities addressed by this call are not limited to the management of the emergency itself, but extended on studying how other sectors (such as energy, infrastructure, transport) can increase their resilience toward the catastrophe. The ultimate goal shall be to minimise the distress that such sectors, and the economy that revolves around them, experience when a disaster happens.
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