ESA Open Invitation to Tender: 1-10509
Open Date: 21/04/2021 12:42 GMT +3
Closing Date: 29/06/2021 13:00 GMT +3
H2020-ESA-042 GNSS Satellite Laser Ranging Testbed: Satellite Laser Ranging prototype and testbed for Galileo evolutions, including the development of an advanced Satellite Laser Ranging Station prototype dedicated to Galileo MEO satellites with increased autonomy and availability; the installation of the prototype into a site adequate for field validation and a joint experimentation campaign with other stations.
Directorate: Directorate of Navigation
Estabilishment: ESTEC
ECOS Required: No
Classified: No
Price Range: > 500 KEURO
Contracts Officer: Maria Papaioannou
Initiating Service: NAV-PF
IP Measure: N/A
Prog. Reference: E/0350-10 – H2020 (Indust. Cost)
Tender Type: Open Competition
Technology Keywords: 12-A-IV-TT&C, Radar and Optical Signal & Data Processing
Products Keywords: 1-A-1-a-*See Software / 4-B-3-a-Telemetry and Telecommand equipment / Tracking, Ranging and Doppler measurement equipment, CODECS,…
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