ESA Open Invitation to Tender: 1-10814
Open Date: 11/06/2021 15:24 CEST
Closing Date: 20/12/2023 13:00 CEST
The European Space Agency (“the Agency” or “ESA”) invites you to submit a Proposal under the General Support Technology Programme, Element 1: “Preparation of enabling space technologies and building blocks”The aim is to prepare and to develop enabling capabilities and the associated building blocks for space related systems and the associated sub-systems. An additional aim is to allow the targeted and coordinated development of the capabilities and building blocks (i.e. among academia and industry) in a given ESA Member State or across different Member States (in a collaborative manner). The intended output is to provide industry with a stronger foundation (i.e. building on this acquired know-how) in order to contribute to new space related system opportunities at national or international levels (institutional, commercial…).The objective is to enable Member States to support the further development of t capabilities and the associated building blocks in their industry. The technology development activities may be prepared in a targeted and coordinated manner. The enabling capabilities and building blocks are to be developed for a targeted type and class of space systems (in terms of performance, cost, size…) and with guiding specifications. The developments are to be performed in a coordinated manner to ensure that industry is able to work on complementary capabilities. The developments may be performed within one Member State or across several Member States in a collaborative manner.The enabling capabilities and building blocks are to be developed to a level such that the industrial entities may then be able to perform developments and eventually produce for concrete/more specific space related developments. The developments may go from a proof-of-concept (via simulation or experiment) up to an engineering qualification model (EQM). They address any technical area (structures, avionics/GNC, power control and distribution…). The specications are to be linked to the guiding system or sub-system specifications. The maximum amount per activity is 500 KEuro.The maximum duration is 24 months.
Directorate: Directorate of Tech, Eng. Quality
Estabilishment: ESTEC
ECOS Required: No
Classified: No
Price Range: KEURO
Contracts Officer: Gian Lorenzo Casini
Initiating Service: TEC-TI
IP Measure: N/A
Prog. Reference: E/0904-611 – GSTP Element 1 Dev
Tender Type: Open Competition
Technology Keywords: 26-OTHERS
Products Keywords: 2-P-Other / 3-G-1.1-f-Other / 3-I-2-d-Other / 3-J-4-Other
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