23, July 2014

PROJECT TITLE: Generator termoelectric cu eficienta ridicata, cu operare nestationara — TegSpace

Coordinator: ICPE



Period: 19 Noiembrie 2012  –  18 Noiembrie 2014

Project director: Viorel Serban Stanciu 

Project team: Prof.  Hantila Ioan Florea, Gavrila Doina and Apostol Maria; 2 managers, 7 PhD’s and 3 experts

Description: The research and development TegSpace project aims at implementing a thermoelectric generator with a custom operating system, resulting in significant improvements in power / volume, cost / performance and energy efficiency beyond the  conventional limits, built of thermoelectric commonly materials and having a new design of the thermoelectric unit operated in unsteady regime (Non Steady State). 

Project objectives:

  • to develop technologies, systems, tools and equipment that can be applied in space, aviation, security, and other related issues. 
  • to develop the conceptual and theoretical model of the Thermoelectric generator with high efficiency and unsteady operation.
  • to establish  the solution of the experimental model? – Design and manufacture thermoelectric unit experimental model
  • the design and manufacture of heating and cooling system experimental model
  • the design and manufacture of the electronic conversion and control system in unsteady operation – experimental model


  • WP1 – Project coordination activities
  • WP2 – Fundamental research and studies on increasing the efficiency of thermoelectric generators. Development of experimental model solution 
  • WP3 – Design experimental model 
  • WP4 – Experimental model building
  • WP5 – Testing experimental model. 
  • WP6 – Demonstration of the utility and functionality of the model and the protection of industrial property rights.

Contributions to the STAR programme objectives:

The added value of the project is a result of three main components, namely: innovation, knowledge transfer and organizational competitiveness. Organizational competitiveness is developed by improving the innovation capacity through better communication and more efficient teamwork. So far, in space missions, the thermoelectric generators are used in thermal energy conversion applications of the isotope generators, in electricity.

Homepage: http://www.icpe.ro/tegspace/