ESA Open Invitation To Tender AO8340
Open Date: 02/07/2015
Closing Date: 20/08/2015
Status: ISSUED
Reference Nr.: 15.155.09
Prog. Ref.: EOEP-4 EO Prep. Acti
Budget Ref.: E/0092-E4 – EOEP-4 EO Prep. Acti
Tender Type: C
Price Range: 200-500 KEURO
Establishment: ESTEC
Directorate: Directorate of EO Programmes
Department: Science, Appl & Future Technologies Dept
Division: Future Missions Division
Contract Officer: Tchoualack, Cendrine
Last Update Date: 03/07/2015
Update Reason: Summary updated
The Polaris-F activity is part of an Agency-wide effort to support scientific, operational, and commercial activities in the Polar Regions and in particular in the Artic, as this is the fastest evolving area of the planet affected by climate change (see ]). As always with the subject of climate change and exploitation of Earth’s resources, satellites and in particular EO remote sensing ones are an enabling tool for all these activities be they scientific, operational, or commercial. The scope of this particular study is to explore feasibility of related future Earth Observation mission concepts, which will address gaps not covered by the present or planned space infrastructure. The detailed definition of user needs and requirements for such concepts will be considered in collaboration with a parallel activity. So the study includes only a small part about analysing the drivers of polar missions and related requirements, and focuses more on mission concept analysis for three concepts to be defined. It is to be noted that time and co-ordination is of the essence for this activity, as there are programmatics deadlines associated with it.
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