ESA Open Invitation To Tender AO5651
Open Date: 29/02/2008
Closing Date: 31/12/2013
Status: ISSUED
Reference Nr.: 08.120.01
Proc. Prop: NO
Tender Type: C
Price Range: < 50
Buildings & facilities Establishment: ESTEC
Directorate: Directorate of HR
Facility Mngmt & Info Department: ESA Facility Management Department
Contract Officer: Helene Etienne
Last Update Date: 17/04/2012
Update Reason: Closing Date Extended
The facility management of ESA-ESTEC requires various refurbishment works and installation changes. In order to facilitate the definition and ordering of work from contractors, ESA-ESTEC, by means of this tender, intends to pre- select contractors within 3 different domains of activity: Prime contractor work that include a leading contractor and may have several sub-contractors of various disciplines for specific infrastructure activities. Electrical installation work. Mechanical installation work. These pre-selected contractors who understand and agree with the terms and conditions for work at ESA-ESTEC will be contacted as and when work arises to provide offers in line with a fast bidding procedure. The process is designed to reduce the schedule from offer to completion. ESA-ESTEC will then select one bidder for the execution of the work from the offers received.
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