ESA Open Invitation To Tender AO8573
Open Date: 17/03/2016
Closing Date: 17/05/2016 12:00:00
Status: ISSUED
Reference Nr.: 15.112.20
Prog. Ref.: NMS – Poland
Budget Ref.: E/0907-06 – NMS – Poland
Special Prov.: PL
Tender Type: C
Price Range: 100-200 KEURO
Establishment: ESOC
Department: Ground Systems Engineering Department
Division: Ground Station Systems Division
Contract Officer: Bednarek, Maren
Last Update Date: 11/04/2016
Update Reason: Loaded a new Clarification (English version)
The main objective of the present activity is to explore and identify existing and future Polish infrastructures and assets as wellas their applicability in the frame of European Space Situational Awareness (SSA) Programme. The purpose of the European SSA Programme is to provide Europe and its citizens complete and accurate information on objects orbiting Earth, on the space environment andon threats coming from space. Europe’s SSA system will be developed by ESA in three specific areas. The first is Space Surveillance and Tracking (SST) of objects orbiting the Earth in various orbits to be achieved by detecting, tracking and imaging these objects. The second is the study and risk assessment of Near Earth Objects (NEO). Third, space weather addressing primarily the effect of solar activity on satellites and ground infrastructure, monitoring and predicting magnetic and ionospheric activity. A crucial aspect of SSA activities is cooperation. SSA is managed directly by ESA on behalf of the Agency’s Member States, who fund the programme.SSA also includes cooperation with European national and regional authorities, including ministries of defence, national space agencies and national research establishments. Within this frame, the programme is federating existing assets and capabilities from ESAEuropean and international partners into a set of unified SSA capabilities. These are being extended by newly developed infrastructure including databases, software tools and applications, surveillance radars and optical telescopes and may include dedicated satellite missions in the future.
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