ESA Open Invitation To Tender AO7497
Open Date: 15/04/2013
Closing Date: 27/05/2013
Status: ISSUED
Reference Nr.: 11.1ED.04
Prog. Ref.: TRP
Budget Ref.: E/0901-01 – TRP
Tender Type: C
Price Range: 200-500 KEURO
Establishment: ESTEC
Directorate: Directorate of Technical & Quality Manag
Department: Electrical Engineering Department
Division: Data Systems Division
Contract Officer: Anna Karger-Kocsis
Last Update Date: 15/04/2013
Update Reason: Tender issue
Objectives: This activity will build a configurable Test Bed to validate Failure Detection Isolation and Recovery (FDIR) concepts and implementations for spacecraft Avionics data systems. As an important result of this activity a report containing recommendations and suggestion in advance of an ECSS standard for a correct design and implementation of FDIR concepts (for the part that affects the Avionics Data system). Description: Starting from the already available Reference Architecture System Testbed for Avionics (RASTA) system and pushed by recent anomaly events, the aim is to have a real HW test-bed where the conceived or implemented FDIR concepts can be validated. The currently available RASTA system has to be upgraded mainly in order to: – implement redundancies (needed to test FDIR concepts); – improve its configurability/functionality features. At the same time the opportunity will be taken to take account of the latest processor modules (e.g. LEON 3, SCOC?). The upgrade will also provide the reference platform for all applicable building block activities. Reconfiguration Mechanisms, correct use of Safe Guard Memory, fault coverage, BIT are only some of the topics that the availability of a real Test Bed can allow to investigate and validate.
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