ESA Open Invitation to Tender AO9556
Open Date: 17/10/2018
Closing Date: 28/11/2018 13:00:00
Status: ISSUED
Reference Nr.: 18.1MS.11
Prog. Ref.: ExPeRT LEO & Moon
Budget Ref.: E/0116-41M – ExPeRT LEO & Moon
Tender Type: C
Price Range: 100-200 KEURO
Products: Ground Segment / Mission Operations / Other
Techology Domains: Mission Operation and Ground Data Systems / Advanced System Concepts
Establishment: ESTEC
Directorate: Dir of Human & Robotic Exploration Prog.
Department: Exploration Group
Contract Officer: Tenho, Annika
Industrial Policy Measure: N/A – Not apply
Last Update Date: 17/10/2018
Update Reason: Tender issue
The Study shall be performed by a team of experts from a financial engineering services provider including investors and industry representatives (from space and non-space fields) working through design sprint sessions open to all the potential stakeholders. The main steps are the following ones:1)A scoreboard of the current and near-term upcoming LSS projects in terms of TRL, timeline, track records, serviceability, market sectors and potential economic spill-overs to understand the potential suitability for the financial community, e. g. investors, investment funds, etc;2)An analysis of the current due diligence processes of commercial banks andinvestors, identifying the underlying reasons for the existing bottlenecks in terms of financing space exploration / LSS long term research solutions;3)Identification of a concrete set of potential solutions based on the analysis of existing investment models that have been successful in promoting investments in this sector and of the creation of a new investment ad hoc fund dedicated to LSS;4)Initiate a dialogue among the Life Support community (leader projects, scientists, and ESA experts) and the financial ecosystem through a number of consultations, workshops and interactive sessions to likely engage each other and build trust between the two sides;5)Define a set of recommendations and ways-forward about the suitability of an investment fund – if applicable, type of funds, business model and governance model – and/or the evolution of the MeLiSSa Foundation to assure long term sustainability and relationship to the circular economy.Deliverables:1)A scoreboard portfolio – of the current and near-term upcoming LSS projects in terms of TRL, timeline, track records, serviceability, market sectors and potential economic spill-overs to understand the potentialsuitability for the financial community, e. g. investors, investment funds, etc;2)Reports of the exchanges with a pool of potential investors;3)Final deliverable of the activity including recommended ways-forward to ensure the long term sustainability of the European low TRL LSS technologies and relationship to circular economy.
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