The development and promotion of system elements and technologies for new user services is of prime importance to promote existing space systems and to develop the markets for advanced systems. There exists already a large base of Small and Medium Size enterprises (SMEs) bringing innovation into terrestrial communication applications and services, increasingly in combination with navigation services. For the more specialised field of satellite communications the entry threshold is relatively high due to the technical, organisational and operational complexity involved.
The proposed ‘Call for Proposals’ intends to offer an opportunity for innovative SMEs and in particular SMEs who have never had a contract with ESA Telecom and who consider entering into the field of satellite communications. It aims to provide support through the various development stages of researching, developing and refining a business proposition in the field of satellite communications. The development activities proposed in response to this ‘Call for Proposals’ must be relevant for the satellite telecommunications sector and have to include the Satcom component as an essential element of the proposition: space-borne equipment, ground segment, application/services involving telecommunication satellites.
The three areas where proposals are expected are: Enabling Technology for Satcom, Satcom Applications and Services, Location Based Communication Applications (combination of satellite communications and navigation). The purpose of this initiative is to facilitate the entry into the satellite communications field, hence the chosen activity should ultimately lead to a commercial proposition. The proposed activities deal with product development, integration and demonstration activities based on existing technologies tailored to pre-operational products, systems and applications/services in a pre-competitive environment. They include the elaboration of contacts to and involvement of target customer groups, operators and suppliers.
The initiative will be executed in a two-step process. The first step will require an Outline Proposal summarising in a few pages the identified business opportunity, the role of Satcom, the proposed solution and project content, and administrative information. The Outline Proposal will be evaluated by ESA and the bidder will be informed of the result. The bidder will get the opportunity to iterate and improve the Outline Proposal. At successful conclusion of this process, the bidder will be invited to submit a Complete Proposal (second step) in accordance with this ‘Call for Proposals’. ESA funding will be provided on a co-funding basis up to 50% with a maximum of 200 kEuro. The total cost of a single activity is allowed to exceed 400 kEuro. Bidders shall be aware that the award of a contract is also subject to endorsement of the required ESA budget by the respective governmental representatives at ESA (National Delegations). The process to achieve this endorsement will be coordinated by ESA and information will be provided to the bidder on submission of the Outline Proposal. Although not a competitive tender action, this ‘Call for Proposals’ is published among these in order to achieve a higher degree of visibility. The closing date above had to be established solely for technical reasons connected with EMITS and ought to be ignored.
If you wish to access the documents related to the Invitation to Tender, you have to log in to the ESA portal.