ESA Open Invitation to Tender: 1-11128
Open Date: 02/02/2022 14:43 CEST
Closing Date: 16/03/2022 13:00 CEST
The primary objective of this activity is to create added value for European industry by solving their innovation challenges using space solutions.This shall include the following main activities:Generating collaborative, commercial activities between non-space entities and the space industryDevelop relationships and interface with space technology developers within the Member StatePerform an opportunity analysis of high potential markets within the Member State and subsequently engage these non-space industries leading to the creation of Innovation Challenges and Technology RequestsPromotion, event organisation, and participationCreate a digital presence, promote news stories, and provide content to the ESA Space Solutions WebsiteCoordinate collaborate with other ESA Space Solutions activities within the Member State as well as with Brokers in other Member States. In detail the following indicative goals have been defined to be completed over the duration of the 3 years of the contract:Support at least 6 collaborate, commercial projects between non-space industry and space solutions providers to become a success. This Successful Business Support Case is defined as a signed collaboration agreement, licence agreement, commercial contract, or non-ESA funding attained. A sufficient pipeline of opportunities to support meeting the above objective shall also be developed with the following as anticipated performance indicators:o60 Introductions brokered between non-space industries and space solutions providerso18 Facilitations achieved. The exact definitions for Successful Business Support Case, Introductions Brokered, and Facilitations Achieved are contained within AD01. For instances where the target for Successful Business Support Cases is not met, the Introductions Brokered and Facilitations achieved will be considered when reviewing the performance of the Broker.Map the technical landscape of space technology developers in the Member State and their appetite and methods for engaging in collaborative projects using the provided Space Ecosystem Mapping template AD02Organise at least 3 event/workshop connecting non-space audiences with space solutions providersActively contribute (presentation, exhibition, demonstration etc) in at least 6 suitable events organised by others Produce 30Innovation Challenges or Technology Requests where space technology could be a credible candidate for producing a solution using templates AD03and AD04Provide a response to all Innovation Challenges and Technology Requests posed by other ESA Technology Brokers within the requested time frame
Estabilishment: ESTEC
ECOS Required: No
Classified: No
Price Range: 200-500 KEURO
Authorised Contact Person: Katarina De Jonge
Initiating Service: CIP-CB
IP Measure: N/A
Prog. Reference: E/0520-01G – BASS 4.0.1
Tender Type: Open Competition
Open To Tenderers From: NL
Technology Keywords: 26-OTHERS
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