ESA Open Invitation to Tender AO9087
Open Date: 16/08/2017
Closing Date: 29/09/2017 13:00:00
Status: ISSUED
Reference Nr.: 17.195.02
Prog. Ref.: Astronauts SBFC
Budget Ref.: E/0136-01P – Astronauts SBFC
Tender Type: C
Price Range: 200-500 KEURO
Products: Ground Segment / Mission Operations / Other
Techology Domains: Others
Establishment: ESTEC
Directorate: Directorate of Human Sp. & Robotic Exp.
Department: European Astronaut Centre Department
Division: EAC Management and Support Office
Contract Officer: Elena Grashchenkova
Industrial Policy Measure: N/A – Not apply
Last Update Date: 16/08/2017
Update Reason: Tender issue
FlexHab Future Lunar Exploration Habitat – is an analogue habitat facility designed to test future operations, training and technology related to future exploration missions for the European Astronaut Centre (EAC)/ESA. The project will provide an analogue habitat for up to 4 persons to work within, to be situated and interface with the large scale lunar analogue surface facility currently under construction at EAC. The FlexHab module is designed to be expandable and evolvable with additional modules and equipment. It can support a wide variety of mission operation concepts, both representing in-orbit and surface mission scenarios. FlexHab is a concept focused on being a modular testbed for the development of surface operations and technologies. The conceptual design presented, which shall be the basis for this work, is modelled after review of both current and past plans for lunar exploration as well as taking lessons from the ISS and earlier manned spaceflight missions, and has been derived in consultation with EAC/ESA interests. Inspiration was also found in other extreme environment domains from nuclear submarines to research stations in Antarctica and from existing analogue habitats present in Europe and worldwide. The conceptual approach underlying FlexHab will allow for a high degree of flexibility and a large array of user scenarios to be deployed within it. It is proposed that the FlexHab concept would be built using aluminium hull (or similar) built per shipbuilding construction methods. By using existing industry and standards a strong, durable and cost effective design is achieved. It is envisaged that the habitat itself can withstand a minor positive internal pressure. Internally, the FlexHab shall be divided into 3 compartments, each one sealed off with a pressure tight hatch. The main compartment also features two extra hatches off each side for later expansion.Further details and requirements outlining this project, including preliminary conceptual drawings, can be found within the ITT documentation. This ITT will address; 1) the detailed design of the FlexHab module for EAC, 2) Construction and outfitting of selected subsystems per requirements or in negotiated agreement with EAC, 3) Delivery of the habitat to EAC as a final project output.
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