ESA Open Invitation to Tender: 1-11347
Open Date: 10/06/2022 12:28 CEST
Closing Date: 05/08/2022 13:00 CEST
CAIRT is one of the four candidate mission concepts for the eleventh Earth Explorer (EE-11), approved by PBEO at its meeting of 10 June 2021 (ref. ESA/PB-EO(2021)37). The Changing Atmosphere Infra Red Tomography Explorer (CAIRT) will provide the measurements needed to make a necessary step change in understanding the links between climate change and atmospheric chemistry and dynamics in the altitude range from about 5 to 115 km. It will focus on the processes that couple atmospheric circulation, composition, and regional climate change, providing critical observations not available from existing or planned satellite missions. CAIRT will be the first limb sounder with imaging Fourier transform infrared technology in space. The procurement in subject concerns the End-to-End Performance Simulator (EPPS) activity Phase 1 and Phase 2 which will be performed through a phased contract. These phases are aligned with the Earth Explorer 11 Phase 0 and Phase A system studies, respectively. Subject to reception of good quality proposals, it is intended to place a single contract for this activity. The first phase of the EEPS activity will cover:- The definition of the simulator objectives, requirements, and interfaces;- A survey of existing models/modules; and- A preliminary definition of the architecture, interfaces and requirements, models and algorithms. The second phase of the EEPS activity will cover:- The consolidation of the architecture, interfaces and requirements; – The detailed design, coding, implementation, testing, verification and validation of all EEPS modules; and- The execution of the mission performance assessment campaign.
Estabilishment: ESTEC
ECOS Required: No
Classified: No
Price Range: > 500 KEURO
Authorised Contact Person: Ana Doblas
Initiating Service: EOP-8M
IP Measure: N/A
Prog. Reference: E/A104-01 – FoundConcept Block 1
Tender Type: Open Competition
Technology Keywords: 2-D-II-Analytical Processing / 8-C-I-Design and Simulation / 8-C-II-Multidisciplinary Analysis
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