6, October 2021

ESA Open Invitation to Tender: 1-10947
Open Date: 15/09/2021 11:38 CEST
Closing Date: 10/11/2021 13:00 CEST

Objectives: The objective of this activity is to develop Instrument Design Development (DD) Models as part of a concurrent design environment, interfacing with mission and spacecraft system models, in support to instrument design at conceptual level and model based reviews in concurrent environment. Description:The demand to study instrument concepts and new designs, either in the frame of a mission level feasibility study or as a self-standing activity, has been growing continuously, especially in the early design phases. Currently this demand has been answered with ad hoc spreadsheet solutions or over-complex, time consuming detailed models, which are generally self-standing and not integrated in overall design environments. In order to integrate the instrument development into overall system and mission studies, the development of coherent conceptual design models and their integration to existing infrastructure is required in order to provide this capability to a wide scope of users in different programmes. Based on previous internal and external activities (Space Instrument Design Modelling of Optical Active and Microwave Instruments – SIM SIM2) that have developed active optical development models and initial identification of design parameters for passive optical and active microwave, the existing models need to be expanded in scope, adapted to the needs of instrument development and integrated into the current design environment.In particular, the activity would include the following tasks: Identify and critically review methods, models andtools, in particular commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) tools, that can support instrument design at conceptual level in early phases in the categories and types of passive optical and active microwave. Adapt, modify and enhance existing models and tools: review the key parameters critical for instrument conceptual design identified in previous studies, derive key parameters for interface with the mission and spacecraft system model, update existing design models and review the interfaces to COTS SW tools. Development of missing Instrument models: For those instrument not covered by the modification and enhancement of existing models, develop Instrument design models to be integrated in the digital mission system design environment including interfaces to COTS SW tools. Integration into mission system design environment: Integrate the models into the mission system digital design environment (ECSS-10-25/OCDT/CDP4/), taking in consideration particularly the implementation of the models into the instrument design process in early phase design studies. Analyse the link to the later phases and foresee implementation of such a link in the conceptual design environmentValidate the developed model with a small but representative application case

Directorate: Directorate of Tech, Eng. Quality
Estabilishment: ESTEC
ECOS Required: No
Classified: No
Price Range: > 500 KEURO
Authorised Contact Person: Anze Singer
Initiating Service: TEC-SYE
IP Measure: N/A
Prog. Reference: E/0904-611 – GSTP Element 1 Dev
Tender Type: Open Competition
Open To Tenderers From: BE
Technology Keywords: 8-B-I-Concurrent Design / 8-C-I-Design and Simulation / 8-C-II-Multidisciplinary Analysis
Products Keywords: 2-I-1-e-Other (Scatterometers,…) / 2-I-3-a-Imaging radiometers / 2-M-4-c-Modelling tools (Model development, Non real-time execution, Code generation,…)

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