ESA Open Invitation To Tender AO8499
Open Date: 20/11/2015
Closing Date: 08/01/2016
Status: ISSUED
Reference Nr.: 15.123.07
Prog. Ref.: GSTP Period 6 E1 PRJ
Budget Ref.: E/0904-611 – GSTP Period 6 E1 PRJ
Special Prov.: GB
Tender Type: C
Price Range: 200-500 KEURO
Establishment: ESTEC
Directorate: Directorate of Technical & Quality Manag
Department: Mechanical Engineering Department
Division: Propulsion & Aerothermodynamics Division
Contract Officer: Strzelecki, Patryk Michal
Last Update Date: 20/11/2015
Update Reason: Tender issue
The objectives of this activity are to improve the specific impulse, thrust density and reliability of the existing micro-colloid thruster technology by the application of mass production manufacturing techniques developed for terrestrial electrospray applications, e.g. inkjet printers. If successful these techniques will also dramatically reduce the recurring costs of the thruster technology. The activity will initially concentrate on the thrust head technology design modifications and manufacturing process development, culminating in the manufacture and experimental performance validation of a high thrust density Colloid Thrust Head breadboard model. After initial performance verification the long term compatibility of thrust head components will be demonstrated via endurance testing. The activity will conclude with the design definition of the microfluidic system (including propellant storage and supply) and the power supply and control system (including feedback control of thrust) required for the development of a complete Colloid Thruster System.
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