ESA Open Invitation To Tender AO8186
Open Date: 24/02/2015
Closing Date: 23/04/2015
Status: ISSUED
Reference Nr.: 14.156.06
Prog. Ref.: EOEP4 L2 ProductS EE
Budget Ref.: E/0024-E4 – EOEP4 L2 ProductS EE
Tender Type: C
Price Range: > 500 KEURO
Establishment: ESTEC
Directorate: Directorate of EO Programmes
Department: Earth Observation Projects Department
Division: Earth Explorer Missions Programme
Contract Officer: Tchoualack, Cendrine
Last Update Date: 24/02/2015
Update Reason: Tender issue
In the frame of the EarthCARE Project, an end-to-end simulator (ECSIM) is used to model the Measurement Data Stream as produced by the space-borne EarthCARE mission for all operational and calibration phases as well as to generate – from every dump – Level 0 and Level 1 products on an orbital basis. Presently ECSIM is a framework, controlling a set of separate modules representing individual elements in the overall EarthCARE ‘observations to science products’ chain. This activity focuses on the evolution of the current ECSIM framework to E3SIM and integration of the EarthCARE L0 (including FEP), L1, X-MET, X-JSG and Science (L2) processors from the MSI, BBR, ATLID and CPR developments in E3SIM. Beside a long-term maintenance and support to its Users and to ESA, this activity specifically aims at providing an adequate technical support to the EarthCARE Scientific Community that is using ECSIM and E3SIM for the EarthCARE L2 Algorithm Developments. That technical support will cover the integration, testing, verification and maintenance of L0,L1 and the Science processors developed in the Industrial and ESA L2 contracts. A particular focus will be given to the L2 Scienceprocessors development so that they can be used within E3SIM as well as within Payload Data Ground Segment (PDGS).
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