PROJECT TITLE: Diamond Detectors for Particle Spectrometry Experiments in Space — DIADEMS
Coordinator: National Inst. for Lasers Plasma and Radiation Physics – Institute for Space Sciences (NILPRS – ISS)
Partners: –
Period: November 2013 – November 2016
Project director: Mircea Iuliu Ciobanu
Project team:
- 5 PhD: Adrian Blagau, Mircea Ciobanu, Horia Comisel, Dragos Constantinescu, Octav Marghitu
- 2 young scientists: Costel Bunescu, Vlad Constantinescu
- 1 technician: Gavril Tordai
Description: DIADEMS will address the development of a large area continuous position sensitive diamond detector (LAcpsDD) , based on the cheap poly-crystalline (pc) diamond substrate. The detector will be suitable to space and ground applications, with emphasis on particle spectrometry.
Project objectives:
- Definition of the proper geometry and parameters of the DD and front-end electronics (FEE).
- Realization of two prototypes, PT1 and PT2, consisting of DD–FEE ensembles, with two detector configurations, DD1 and DD2.
- Tests of the two prototypes. PT1 and PT2.
- WP1 – Optimizing DD configurations and FEE
- WP2 – Realization of PT1 and PT2 prototypes
- WP3 – Testing of PT1 and PT2
- WP4 – Management and reporting
Contributions to the STAR programme objectives:
- Strengthening of a research niche at national and international level.
- Development and promotion of the national space research capacity.
- Support to the development of a highly professional research team and its international visibility
- Enables high quality scientific production by results at international level.