ESA Open Invitation to Tender AO10140
Open Date: 26/03/2020
Closing Date: 01/06/2020 13:00:00
Status: ISSUED
Reference Nr.: 19.179.14
Prog. Ref.: NMS – Poland;EO-Science for Socie
Budget Ref.: E/0907-06 – NMS – Poland;E/E105-E5 – EO-Science for Socie
Special Prov.: PL
Tender Type: C
Price Range: 200-500 KEURO
Products: Non Space Procurement/Services
Technology Domains: Others
Establishment: ESRIN
Directorate: Directorate of Ind., Proc. & Legal Serv.
Department: Industrial Policy and Auditing Dept.
Contract Officer: Tamas, Dora
Industrial Policy Measure: N/A – Not apply
Last Update Date: 26/03/2020
Update Reason: Tender issue
This project shall aim to develop and verify customized EO derived information to support the different stakeholders working in theresilience sector in Poland. The project will include an extended verification exercise in which these stakeholders will be grantedaccess to a set of EO products under operational conditions. The main user will be the Government Centre for Security which has expressed interest in the experimental use of EO-derived information to assess and validate their usability for crisis management activities. However the scope of the project shall address the wider resilience management issue in Poland, including the characterization of the level and spatio-temporal variability in exposure to a range of natural and man-made risks and the impact of changing environmental and climate conditions in causing an evolution of the nature of risk and related resilience considerations. The initialuse ofEO products shall be by the Regional (voivodeship) Crisis Management Centre in Rzeszów, with the information also being madeavailable to other Regional Crisis Management Centres. This customized information will be complemented by ensuring appropriate access to the Copernicus Emergency Management Service. In addition, the project team will actively engage with additional stakeholders in the resilience domain including emergency services, government resilience planning authorities, national environmental and hydrological agencies, transport ministries and health and safety authorities. The EO products will represent an auxiliary source of information for the users who will provide recommendations as to how EO derived information can be better integrated with non-EO information to enhance the benefit and impact for the resilience community both within Poland and in the wider Baltic region.
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