ESA Open Invitation To Tender AO8221
Open Date: 26/03/2015
Closing Date: 07/05/2015
Status: ISSUED
Reference Nr.: 15.133.02
Prog. Ref.: GSTP Period 6 E1 PRJ
Budget Ref.: E/0904-611 – GSTP Period 6 E1 PRJ
Special Prov.: F+D+IRL
Tender Type: C
Price Range: 200-500 KEURO
Establishment: ESTEC
Directorate: Directorate of Technical & Quality Manag
Department: Mechanical Engineering Department
Division: Structure and Mechanisms Division
Contract Officer: Magne-Lie, Karine
Last Update Date: 26/03/2015
Update Reason: Tender issue
The objective is to replace current technology in metallic or thermoset CFRP with thermoplastic CFRP components. Because of the increased performance compared to thermoset composites, thermoplastic composites have the potential to extend the application range for composites, replacing metallic and/or thermoset composite components for mass optimisation and increased performance. By developinga direct replacement for an existing and qualified part, a TRL increase can be achieved and may enable flight applications for the thermoplastic composite technology. The following activities shall be accomplished: ï. State of the art review and establishment of application rang. ï. Selection of demonstration application for replacement of existing technologies. The application to be selected shall be a qualified part/subcomponent on an existing, qualified, space product. ï. Design and materials trade-off, including fibre and resin system, and preliminary design. ï. Technology development test campaign and detailed design and analysis ï. Demonstrator manufacturing, test and test evaluation. The evaluation shall also asses the qualification status for the developed technology for a potential direct replacement of the qualified part/subcomponent and identify remaining qualification efforts in the form of a development plan.
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