ESA Open Invitation To Tender AO7485
Open Date: 12/04/2013
Closing Date: 24/05/2013
Status: ISSUED
Reference Nr.: 13.138.01
Prog. Ref.: GSTP Period 5 Elem 4
Budget Ref.: E/0904-054 – GSTP Period 5 Elem 4
Special Prov.: CH
Tender Type: C
Price Range: 200-500 KEURO
Establishment: ESTEC
Directorate: Directorate of Technical & Quality Manag
Department: System, Software & Technology Department
Division: Systems and Cost Engineering Division
Contract Officer: Franziska Erkelens-Sickinger
Last Update Date: 23/04/2013
Update Reason: Summary updated
CubeSat nanosatellites may serve to develop, demonstrate and operationally validate some active debris removal technologies at low cost before they are used on larger operational missions to remove defunct spacecraft and upper stages. Critical technologies to be developed include GNC sensors, actuators and software for rendezvous and close proximity operations, debris capture mechanisms, and propulsion or other devices for de-tumbling and de-orbiting. This activity covers the evaluation and trade-off of technologies relevant to Active Debris Removal to be later developed in miniaturised form in a follow-on activity and intended to be finally demonstrated in Low Earth Orbit on a CubeSat nano-satellite mission.
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