ESA Open Invitation To Tender AO8615
Open Date: 12/10/2016
Closing Date: 08/12/2016 12:00:00
Status: ISSUED
Reference Nr.: 16.187.02
Prog. Ref.: Sentinel 2 Operation
Budget Ref.: E/E010-01 – Sentinel 2 Operation
Tender Type: C
Price Range: > 500 KEURO
Products: Ground Segment / Mission Operations / Other
Techology Domains: Mission Operation and Ground Data Systems / Mission Operations / Distributed and Decentralised Operations
Establishment: ESRIN
Directorate: Directorate of EO Programmes
Department: Ground Segment & Mission Operations Dep
Division: GSC Mission Mgmt & GS Development Div
Contract Officer: Guedel, Berenice
Industrial Policy Measure: N/A – Not apply
Last Update Date: 12/10/2016
Update Reason: Summary updated
The Sentinel-2 mission delivers routine operations with committed performance to the Copernicus users. The Sentinel-2 mission consists of two spacecrafts (S-2A, launched in June 2015, and S-2B, to be launched in Q4 2016). The Sentinel-2 Payload Data Ground Segment (PDGS) system ensures the acquisition from the satellites, the data processing, data archiving and user access to the defined products list. In addition, the PDGS performs the planning of the satellite observations and ensures the mission data quality and instrument long term performance monitoring. A number of European Centres, provide the operational PDGS services, e.g., the X-band acquisition service (Core Ground Station, CGS), the Long Term Archiving (LTA) service (Processing and Archiving Centres, PAC), the Precise Orbit Determination service (POD) and the products calibration and validation service performed by the Mission Performance Centre (MPC). The PDGS system has been developed to support both the A and B satellite units contemporaneously. Therefore, the S-2 PDGSoperations have to be provided as one single service for the satellite constellation.The key objectives of this Invitation to Tender (ITT) will be the following:- Routine Operations of PDGS system for both Sentinel-2A and -2B satellite, guaranteeing the expected mission production across the multiple centres and the availability of data products to the Copernicus users with committed quality and performance. This includes the operations of the Payload Data Management Centre (PDMC);- Early detection of performance degradation definition of corrective actions;- Timely support anomaly investigations and definition of recovery actions;- Maintenance of all hardware and software components, including, e.g., the operational processor, but excluding the Customer Furnished Items,e.g., Sentinel-2 decompression software, Copernicus WAN, centre interfaces, routine calibration and validation tools operated at the MPC;- Interface and coordination with the Sentinel-2 Mission Performance Centre (MPC), which performs the calibration and validation activities, – Interface and coordination with the CGS and PAC operations, which perform routine delegated tasks, ensuring the availability of the platforms and the services run at their premises;- Specific PDGS commissioning operations in support of the Satellite Commissioning Phase of Sentinel-2B.- Maintenance of infrastructure and operation support tools (e.g., ticketing system, anomaly tracking, etc.) needed to perform these tasks.(An) Information day(s) on the subject Invitation To Tender will be organised at the premises of the European Space Agency (ESA) in Frascati (Italy) in the 2nd Quarter of 2016. The date and Agenda of this (these) briefing session(s) will be published on EMITS under “NEWS” (http://emits.sso.esa.int/emits/owa/emits.main). Potential bidders are invited to consult EMITS regularly. This Invitation to Tender is funded the Copernicus Programme and will be exclusively open to economic operators which have their registered office in EU Member States or Iceland or Norway.The European Space Agency (ESA) will make the entire ITT package (Cover Letter, Statement of Work, Special Conditions of Tender, Draft Contract) available on its tendering website, EMITS (http://emits.sso.esa.int/emits/owa/emits.main), and on a dedicated Copernicus server (https://copernicus-emits.esa.int/). In order to access the ITT Package from EMITS, a Tenderer must be registered in EMITS as potential ESA supplier. Tendererwho is not yet registered with ESA as a potential supplier must complete the online questionnaire on EMITS, under the tab Entity registration. Further information on the registration process can be found in ESA’s INDUSTRY PORTAL available at:http://www.esa.int/About_Us/Business_with_ESA While the registration process is under way, Tenderers may access the ITT Package through ESAs dedicated Copernicus server, which is accessible at: https://copernicus-emits.esa.int/ Tenderers are informed, however, that they must be registered in EMITS before they can submit a proposal.
If you wish to access the documents related to the Invitation to Tender, you have to log in to the ESA Portal.