ESA Open Invitation to Tender AO10091
Open Date: 09/06/2020
Closing Date: 14/08/2020 13:00:00
Status: ISSUED
Reference Nr.: 19.187.06
Prog. Ref.: Routine PDGS Tech En
Budget Ref.: E/E014-01 – Routine PDGS Tech En
Tender Type: C
Price Range: > 500 KEURO
Products: Ground Segment / Mission Operations / Other
Technology Domains: Mission Operation and Ground Data Systems / Advanced System Concepts
Establishment: ESRIN
Directorate: Directorate of EO Programmes
Department: EO Mission Management & GS Department
Division: EO Mission Mngmt & Product Quality Div.
Contract Officer: Guedel, Berenice
Industrial Policy Measure: N/A – Not apply
Last Update Date: 09/06/2020
Update Reason: Tender issue
The scope of the procurement is to improve the knowledge on the Sentinel core products. The objective is to improve the understanding of the uncertainties coming from processing baseline hypothesis thanks to theoretical studies and simulations. The project will address four independent topics. Even if the topics are independent from each other and can be addressed separately, there is commonality between them that allows for potential synergy and common approaches. The studies will address the following specific and precise issues: – Study 1: Sentinel-1 Radiometric Enhanced Product testing and assessing the impact of the Copernicus DEM at 30m and regarding the radiometric accuracy for different use cases;- Study 2: Normalization of surface reflectance products and BRDF characterisation, assessing its importance for Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 products and comparing The scope of the procurement is to improvethe knowledge on the Sentinel core products. The objective is to improve, through theoretical studies and simulations, the understanding of the uncertainties coming from processing baseline hypothesis to simulations. The project will address four independent topics. Even if the topics are independent from each other and can be addressed separately, there is commonality between them that allows for potential synergy and common approaches. The studies will address the following specific and precise issues: – Study 1: Sentinel-1 Radiometric Enhanced Product testing and assessing the impact of the Copernicus DEM at 30m and regarding the radiometric accuracy for different use cases;- Study 2: Normalization of surface reflectance products and BRDF characterisation, assessing its importance for Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 products and comparing various surface reflectance nominalisation approaches;- Study 3: Impact of the plane parallel atmosphere assumption on the radiative transfer model simulations used for L2 products derivation; – Study 4: Impact of the SLSTR geometry configuration versus (A)ATSR geometry configuration.The outcome of the project will be technicalreports that provide sound and scientific analysis of the various issues and clear recommendations to the core ground segment for potential improvement of the core products quality. These technical reports shall also provide insight for improving and better characterising the core products uncertainty budget.The procurement is funded fully funded by the European Union (EU) under the Copernicus Regulation (Regulation (EU) No 377/2014). ESA carries out this procurement under the agreement between ESA and the EU on the implementation of the Copernicus Space Component (the Copernicus Agreement). In accordance with the Copernicus Agreement, the procurement will be open exclusively to economic operators and organisations (including subcontractors) that have their registered office in an EU Member State or a State participating in the Copernicus Programme.The Invitation to Tender (ITT) Package will be publishedon EMITS (http://emits.sso.esa.int/). In order to access the ITT package, economic operators interested in tendering for this procurement must be registered as potential ESA Tenderer. To register with ESA as potential ESA Tenderer, it is necessary to complete the online questionnaire available on the ESA-STAR registration website: https://esastar-emr.sso.esa.int. Whilst the registration process is underway, potential ESA Tenderers may access the ITT Package through ESAs dedicated Copernicus server: https://copernicus-emits.esa.int/
If you wish to access the documents related to the Invitation to Tender, you have to log in to the ESA Portal.