PROJECT TITLE: Contributions to the Euclid Mission — CEM
Coordinator: The Institute of Space Science
Period: 18 November 2012 – 18 November 2015
Project director: Dr. Lucia A. Popa
Project team:
Description: EUCLID:Multi-Probe Approach M-class Scientific Mission
Project objectives: NISP and VIS data compression algorithms development and test: Euclid NISP and VIS instruments will produce impressive amounts of data, to be read by the corresponding Control and Data Processing Units (CDPU’s), compressed, packed and transferred to the spacecraft Mass Memory Unit (MMU) in narrow and well defined time windows.
- Develop, test and validate lossless compression algorithms
- Implementation of the corresponding algorithms on space qualified platforms
- Readout electronics (ROEs);
- Power and Mechanisms Control Unit (PMCU);
- Central Control and Data Processing Unit (CDPU);
- Control and Data Management Unit (CDMU);
- Mass Memory (MM)
- Complement the Euclid imaging photometric calibration with data from ground based surveys. Euclid survey area covers much of the extra-gallactic sky, also covered by existing or future ground based surveys. As such surveys complement the Euclid redshift measurements, there is a strongly motivation to access the ground data complying with the required depth and wavelength coverage.
- Dark Energy Survey (DES) – 4 m Blanco Telescope in Southern Hemisphere
- Pan-STARRS Survey – array of telescopes in Hawaii
- KiDS (Kilo Degree Survey) at the European Southern Observatory (ESO)
- Subaru observatory in Japan
- Spectroscopic data produced by the BOSS survey and ESO/VLT.
- Constraints on Dark Energy propreties with Integrated Sachs-Wolfe Effect:
- We popose to evaluate the effectivness of the ISW effect as secondary cosmological propbe to constrain the Dark Energy properties for Eucid observing strategy.
- WP0. Mannagement, quality control and coordination with the Euclid Consortium
- WP1.1. Requirements and strategy definition for the compression algorithm
- WP1.2. Compression algorithm design.
- WP1.3 Test data production
- WP1.4 Compression, decompression and self test algorithms implementation
- WP1.5 Algorithms tests with simulated and real data
- W.P.1.6 Compression prototype software validation
- WP2.3 Ground data analysis according Euclid requirements
- WP2.2 Ground observational data software installation and test; data procurement
- WP2.1 Requirements and strategy definition for on ground observational data
- WP3.1 Preparation of LSS catalogues
- WP3.2 CMB and LSS numerical simulations
- WP3.3 Evaluation of cross-correlation algorithms and ISW map recovery
- WP3.4 Cosmological constraints from ISW maps
- WP4.1 Dissemination
Contributions to the STAR programme objectives:
This project represents the Romanian contribution to the development of the Euclid Mission, during the first three years after its official adoption by the European Space Agency (ESA). The project objectives respond to some of the Euclid Consortium requirements. Their fulfillment will confirm the capacity of the project team to perform research activities according to the ESA standards. The experience gained during the project completion will ensure successful application to ESA projects, including in optional programs to which Romania intends to adhere.
Homepage: CEM