16, July 2018

ESA Open Invitation to Tender AO9383
Open Date: 13/07/2018
Closing Date: 07/09/2018 13:00:00

Status: ISSUED
Reference Nr.: 15.132.03
Prog. Ref.: Technology Developme
Budget Ref.: E/0901-01 – Technology Developme
Tender Type: C
Price Range: 100-200 KEURO
Products: Satellites & Probes / System Engineering Software / System Modelling & Simulation / Modelling tools (Model development, Non real-time execution, Code generation, …)
Techology Domains: System Design & Verification / System Analysis and Design / Design and Simulation
Establishment: ESTEC
Directorate: Directorate of Tech, Eng. & Quality
Department: System, Software & Technology Department
Division: Software Systems Division
Contract Officer: Singer, Anze
Industrial Policy Measure: N/A – Not apply
Last Update Date: 13/07/2018
Update Reason: Tender issue

The objective of this activity is to establish a System Specification for database needs of the ECSS ETM10-21 System Simulation Facilities. A formal model is foreseen that consequently can be used to automatically create a logical and physical model for population with actual database entries.Currently an activity (E1) is on-going to establish a Centralised Database System (CDBS) for the Avionics Test Bench (ATB) in order to centralise in a consistent manner all the data needed for the 3 different configurations of the ATB. These are “early phases” System Concept Simulator and Functional Engineering Simulator as well as later phases Software Validation Facilities (including OBC system in the loop).The objective is to capture and store all the data needed for: instantiation ofa System Simulation Facility for a specific mission, and for running different test scenarios (this includes e.g. Simulator data but also TM/TC definitions).The scope of the E1 activity is limited to the 3 ATB configurations as instantiated for the EagleEye mission. The ECSS standards that were used for these configurations (e.g. PUS standard, EGSE database, MIL1553 standard) could be onlytaken into account to the extent as used by the ATB configurations.In order to capture the semantics of the required data, the FAMOUS Fact Based Modelling methodology, supported by the FAMOUS tool (developed for ESA by PNA Group activity E2) has been used. FAMOUS represents (one of) the most recent generation(s) of fact-based modelling methods. The main advantages the FAMOUS methodology bringsare:1) Clear identification of the steps needed to capture the semantics.2) Proper communication devices to involve domain experts in the extraction and validation of semantics.3) Consistent manner of describing the semantics and concepts of the domain.4) Themethodology is based on first-order logic, and therefore the results can be formally validated.Based on the results of the E1 and E2 activity, this TRP activity has as the main objective to asses the SystemSimulation Facilities’ (as depicted in ECSS 10-21) configuration database needs for Modelling and Simulation in correspondence to the ECSS standards that are used (e.g. ECSS 10/23, ECSSE41).In practise this would mean a further extension and consolidation of the currently existing conceptual data model of the ATB.Theresult would be an extensive set of System Specification for the System Simulation Facilities database needs and corresponding formal model (for the database entries).The following tasks are foreseen: as a starting point the results of the “ATB Requirements and Architectural Consolidation activity (E1)” and theresults of the “ATB Central Database System activity results (E2)” shall beused. Where possible and needed, the results of the above mentioned activities shall be enhanced/extended with other System SimulationFacilities use-cases to widen the scope. As part of the System Specification a proper interfacing and alignment should be established with domain specificstandards (e.g. ECSS E70-41 or E70-23). During the “verbalisation” of the System Specifications, inorderto formally capture the semantics of the requiredinformation, the FAMOUS Fact Based Modelling methodology, supported by the FAMOUStool has to be used.

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