ESA Open Invitation to Tender AO9326
Open Date: 22/05/2018
Closing Date: 03/07/2018 13:00:00
Status: ISSUED
Reference Nr.: 18.127.01
Prog. Ref.: Technology Developme
Budget Ref.: E/0901-01 – Technology Developme
Tender Type: C
Price Range: 200-500 KEURO
Products: Satellites & Probes / Thermal Control / Heat storage and rejection / Radiators / Satellites & Probes / Thermal Control / Heat storage and rejection / Coating and insulation / Satellites & Probes / Mechanisms / Mechanisms / Other / Orbital Transportation & Re-entry Systems / Thermal Control / Heat storage and rejection / Radiators / Orbital Transportation & Re-entry Systems / Thermal Control / Heat storage and rejection / Coating and insulation (MLI)
Techology Domains: Thermal / Heat Storage and Rejection / Coatings and Insulation / Thermal / Heat Storage and Rejection / Radiators / Mechanisms / Mechanism Core Technologies / Actuator Technologies / Mechanisms / Tribology Technologies / Material Surface Technologies
Establishment: ESTEC
Directorate: Directorate of Tech, Eng. & Quality
Department: Mechanical Engineering Department
Division: Thermal Division
Contract Officer: Magne-Lie, Karine
Industrial Policy Measure: C2 – Activities in open competition, significant partecipat…
Last Update Date: 22/05/2018
Update Reason: Tender issue
The objective is to develop a compact and in-plane opening louver with variable thermo-optical properties for applications where deployment of classical louver blades is not possible or convenient because of lack of space/clearance.Within the proposed activity the following aspects shall be considered. 1. An extensive trade-off of various opening/closing actuators and variable thermo-optical properties concepts shall be conducted with the aim to identify solutions to develop a compact and in-plane opening louver with variable thermo-optical properties compatible with the requirements. 2. This trade-off shall be supported by breadboard testing. 3.The finally selected and combined opening/closing actuator and variable thermo-optical properties concept, resulting in the compactand in-plane opening louver with variable thermo-optical properties, shall be designed in detail, built and submitted to thermal andmechanical tests at unit level. 4. Furthermore, the contractor shall demonstrate that the manufacturing processes of the compactand in-plane opening louver with variable thermo-optical properties are well controlled and repeatable results can be achieved. 5. The test results shall be analysed in detail, in order to demonstrate that the compact and in-plane opening louver with variable thermo-optical properties fully meets the requirements.Procurement Policy: C(2) = A relevant participation (in terms of quality and quantity) of non-primes (incl. SMEs) is required. For additional information please go to EMITS news “Industrial Policy measures for non-primes, SMEs and RD entities in ESA programmes”.
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