ESA Open Invitation to Tender AO10593
Open Date: 17/02/2021
Closing Date: 14/04/2021 13:00:00
Status: ISSUED
Reference Nr.: 21.185.01
Prog. Ref.: N/A Fund
Budget Ref.: N/A – N/A Fund
Tender Type: C
Price Range: > 500 KEURO
Products: Non Space Procurement/Services
Technology Domains: Others
Establishment: ESRIN
Directorate: Directorate of Internal Services
Department: Information Technology Department
Contract Officer: Govaert, Luc
Industrial Policy Measure: N/A – Not apply
Last Update Date: 17/02/2021
Update Reason: Tender issue
The subject of this procurement is the provision of HIF-I Communications and security infrastructure services for a 5 years period,with a 2-year service extension (optional, at ESAs discretion).The service is taking over the current SSR5 service contract, thatis planned for a termination on 31st of March 2022, and will implement additional synergies with other programme directorates for common IT communications infrastructure and services (OPS and EOP in particular).The procurement will include:the transition and transformation of existing services from the incumbent to new supplier;the end-to-end delivery of all contracted services, according to well-established IT Information Library (ITIL-) based service delivery and support processes;the performances management and reporting of the contracted services (e.g. Key Performances Indicators, Service Level Agreement, Penalties, Billing, etc.);the engineering support services for the continuous improvement and evolution.The new contract will encompass the following main services elements / components:Common Wide Area Network Services commercial and academics Internet access services; unified data, voice and video transport services across all main and minor sites; Campus LAN and WIFI access services – Wired and Wireless networking at main and minor sites for offices and datacentres;Security infrastructure services – next generation security screening firewalls, application layer gateways and remote access services for protection and integrity of Agencys data and assets; Be-spoke infrastructure dedicated managed communications infrastructure and services in support of programmatic needs (EO, OPS, etc.);Engineering and innovation support services (pilots, proof-of-concepts) – new platforms for software-defined networking and automation to reduce OPEX costs, streamline service delivery, improve security, and enhance user experience;Service management processes for all above as part of the managed services.
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