ESA Open Invitation to Tender AO10113
Open Date: 07/11/2019
Closing Date: 19/12/2019 13:00:00
Status: ISSUED
Reference Nr.: 19.133.19
Prog. Ref.: Technology Developme
Budget Ref.: E/0901-01 – Technology Developme
Tender Type: C
Price Range: 100-200 KEURO
Products: Satellites & Probes / Thermal Control / Thermal Protection for atmospheric entry / Ablative systems products, Reusable systems products
Technology Domains: Aerothermodynamics / Sensors and Measurement Techniques / Intrusive Measurements / Thermal / Thermal Protection / Ablative Systems / Materials and Processes / Space Environmental Effects on Materials and Processes / Interaction of Materials with the Space Environment
Establishment: ESTEC
Directorate: Directorate of Tech, Eng. & Quality
Department: Mechanical Department
Division: Structure, Mechanisms & Materials Div.
Contract Officer: Kudari, Zafira
Industrial Policy Measure: N/A – Not apply
Last Update Date: 07/11/2019
Update Reason: Tender issue
This activity aims to review the material property evaluation techniques used for ablative materials, to identify artefacts relatedto internal material transformations and to establish methods which can allow to reliably and repeatably extract the desired properties. Such reliable measurement methods could be used in future studies, to validate and update TPS ablative material models used inre-entry studies.
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