23, July 2014

PROJECT TITLE: Centre for Atmospheric REmote Sensing and Space Earth observation — CARESSE

Coordinator: National Institute of Research and Development for Optoelectronics INOE 2000 

Period: November 2013 – Octomber 2016

Project director: Dr. Doina Nicolae

Project team:

  • Dr. Doina Nicolae (Physicist, leader, Project Manager, WP1 leader)
  • Dr. Camelia Talianu (Mathematician, programming, responsible with long-term sustainable development of the center)
  • Dr. Jeni Vasilescu (Physicist, spectroscopy, WP3 leader)
  • Dr. Eng. Anca Nemuc (Physicist, atmospheric physics, WP4 leader)
  • Dr. Eng. Livio Belegante (Physicist, leader, data processing, WP2 leader)
  • Cristian Radu (Engineer, instruments, member of the team)
  • Dr. Luminita Marmureanu (Biologist, data analysis, member of the team)
  • Florica Toanca (Economist, PhD., st., marketing&publicity, member of the team)
  • Dr. Simona Andrei (Physicist, meteorology, modelling&forecasts, new member of the team)
  • Gabriel Dumitrache (Engineer, master st., new member of the team)

Description: CARESSE represents an initiative to concentrate and organize the existing capacities for atmospheric remote sensing in Romania, in order to become a relevant and competent partner for ESA’s EO missions.

Project objectives:

  • Create a sustainable high-quality research and training nucleus for atmospheric remote sensing in view of future EOEP-4 missions.
  • Develop, organize and harmonize the existing scientific and technological capacities for space-related applications of atmospheric remote sensing.
  • Adjust to the specific requirements of the European Space Agency and strengthening international collaboration.


  • Strategy
  • Capacity building
  • Networking sustainability
  • Ctandardization

Contributions to the STAR programme objectives:

CARESSE results can be used to several important present and future ESA (and international) missions (EO satellites and GMES Sentinels): 

  • Calipo – US-French Calipso mission part of NAAs Earth System Science Pathfinder program. EARLINET-CALIPSO CAL-VAL since 2006. 
  • EarthCARE mission – ATLID – CAL-VAL of level 1to level2b products
  • Sentinel-5P –Tropomi – CAL-VAL of level 1 products (trace gases, aerosols)
  • ADM-Aeolus – – UV HSRL – CAL-VAL of aerosols bi-products

Homepage: CARESSE